"When Times Were Good"
Artist: Frank Miller
©1998, Permission by Frank Miller

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Family-Friendly Site

Please Help!
The best way to stop this crime
is to vote for people who will change
the existing laws in your state. We
must keep writing our existing government
and demand that they improve the laws
protecting our best resources, our children.

#NativeVoices Purpose

#NativeVoices is an IRC UnderNet Channel devoted to discussing American Indian Issues. It is a family-oriented group. Please read the rules before visiting.

How to Find #NativeVoices:

In order to chat on our channel, #NativeVoices, you will need an irc client software. There are several out there, but two that people use on the channel are (predominantly) mIRC (Shareware) and Pirch (also shareware). Simply download the software and follow the directions included. Then type /join #nativevoices.

#NativeVoices Founder and Channel Manager



Raven is the Manager of this channel. She is helped out by Channel Administrator: TwoEagles, and two User Administrators: Trooper and Owl^/OwlWoman.

This group is supported by a vast array of Operators. They include:

"With Mother Earth"
Artist: Howard Terpning

#NativeVoices Members

Users of the channel are invited to become Members by sending a profile, and scanned picture to Raven, our Channel Manager. Please be sure to include your website url (if one exists), and let us know if you would like your e-mail address and/or website URL listed in the Members Gallery

Notice: Members who are unable to participate in the channel are asked to notify Ravenwolf. Otherwise, after 27 days, your name (and information) will be deleted from the website.

You will always be welcome to re-send your information to Ravenwolf if you would like to become a member in #Nativevoices at another time.

Below is the index for all of the #NativeVoices webpages. Please use these links.

"A Time To Remember"
Artist: Frank Miller
©1998, Permission by Frank Miller

Remember a Friend Today

Blue Mountain Art Cards

"There Was A Place"
Artist: Frank Miller
©1998, Permission by Frank Miller

We are honored to be a member of the Ladies Of The Heart

To the best of our knowledge, we have permission to use all of the graphics on our website. If, however, you are an artist of a graphic shown on our webpages and we did not contact you, please accept our apologies and contact our WebMistress at your earliest convenience.

Thank you,
RavenWolf and Gemr

©1997-1999 Copyrighted material. You must get permission from Gemr & Ravenwolf's WebDesign Services before using any material on the #NativeVoices webpages.

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