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Esio Trot by Roald Dahl

This delightful children's story (but fun for all ages is about Mr. Hoppy and his quest to win the heart of Mrs. Silver. Unfortunately, Mrs. Silver lover her tortoise more than she loves Mr. Hoppy. If you want to know how he wins her heart, you can buy this Puffin Book or check it out of your library. (US).

The Bean Trees by Barbara Kinsolver

This delightful novel about identity and salvation is the stunning tale of a Turtle, an abandoned infant and the woman who finds him.


I hope to read this novel soon, but for now, it is just another "thing to do".

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

This classic tale of fantasy takes you to a world fun and adventure (an of course, the Mock Turtle!).

The Year of the Turtle by David M. Carroll

Books on Keeping Turtles and Tortoises as Pets

Turtles Today by John Corbon

This complete, athoritative guide gives you all the basics on keeping both land and water turtles. Plus, tips on breeding and tons of facts and pictures. a Hobby ny W.P. Mara

This guide has over 80 color photos, and everything that you need to start your turtle hobby.

Your First Turtle by Louis Dampier

This guide book has over 25 color photos, plus everyhting you need to know to raise your fisrt turtle.

The Proper Care of Turtles by John Corbon

This guide gives you all of the facts to keep your turtle happy and healthy.

Box Turtles by Jordan Patterson

This guide tells you everyhting you could possibly want to know about keeping and breeding box turtles in captivity.

Red-Eared Sliders by Jordan Patterson

Turtles as a New Pet by Al David

Turtles for Home and Garden by Willy Jocher

Practical Ecyclopedia of Keeping Turtles and Tortoises by A.C. highfiled

If you know of any other books or have any comments, please e-mail me at frog78@
