Try to make back-to-school as normal for your child as you can.
Take advantage of having a good day healthwise!
Back-to-School Hints
Inform your child's teacher of your disability.
He or she needs to know so that he can be aware of you child's
circumstances at home. Teachers need to know as much as they can
about their students in order to help the child through the year.
Also, the teacher will be able to let you know if your child is
having any difficulty coping with your disability or adjusting to having
a disabled parent (especially if you have recently become disabled.)
If other children are teasing your child or causing problems for your
child the teacher will be better able to handle the problem if he knows
your situation.
If your family has any back-to-school traditions (pictures of everyone
before they leave the house the first day or a special breakfast or
dinner the first day), try to stick with those traditions.
Enjoying your Kids
If you're having a good day, enjoy the day with your children.
Do something that you usually aren't able to do. Go to the park,
take a walk, play an outdoor game, or do something the children choose.
Don't use a good day only for housekeeping or other chores.
Give your children a special day with Mom or Dad.