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Allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Scraps DuJour and I was born on November 18, 1992 in Taos, New Mexico. I am a six-year-old Male Lhasa Apso with a Royal Attitude at times. I was the runt of the litter and the second male out of a litter of seven. My mother was a little out of the child bearing stages and did not even remove the sack from me. These humans had to do that. I recall the human voices talking about when they come one male will go home with them. The choice is theirs and whichever they decide to take would be fine. My Lhasa mom really was a little strange and did not feed us all that well or even take care of us to good. We eat, but not often enough. Those humans kept watch over us, providing the care and that we did not receive from our momma. There were seven of us that whined always. One day everybody was so excited because "they" were driving into New Mexico today. There was some discussion about them making that drive from Brooklyn, New York. I did not know where that was or what was going on, but I was very curious trying to peak from the box that I was in. They arrived and the sounds of joy and laughter filled the house and mom started barking. It happened as I looked up she peaked in the box and it was love at first sight. My new human mom! (Only she did not know it yet.) All of us pups got a chance to play on the floor that night and I charged right over to her and gave her little snuggles. Just enough to tease her and keep her attracted to me and only me. My plan was working, but the only problem was the person with whom she was with at the time. I worked on her day and night keeping her amused with my attitude and snuggles. Her name was Mindi, but I called her mom. She stayed every day and bottle feed me first before my siblings and that created an even bigger bond. One day she looked into my eyes and said, "I love you little one you are coming home with me." That day I was as happy as any little Lhasa could be. My plan worked and I got the mom of my dreams. Somebody to curl up with yet, somebody I can be a little aggressive with at times. One day everybody was running around yelling and shouting for joy. I thought it was because mom decided to take me. It really was because my New Mom was going to have a baby. I was all excited because I would be the oldest pup around and could boss around the new baby. Mom grabbed me out of the box and told me that I was going to have an important job of being the protector of her and the new baby. "Oh, boy I got a job and I am not even two months old yet." Then everybody was talking about going away and before we could leave we would have to visit the vet man. I did not know at the time what that meant, but I do now! This strange guy checked me out and then gave me some shots that hurt a lot. Mom just nestled me in arms and held me that night and I felt great being able to snuggle with my new mom. I thought it was heaven nothing matter to me because I was protecting my new mom and she was protecting me. The next morning everybody was crying and saying goodbye and packing up a big truck and before I knew it I was leaving my sisters and brother behind to start a new life. A new life in Brooklyn, New York was about to begin. I was so excited that I was riding in the car reaching up to look out the window. Most of the time I slept on moms lap and the other times I slept in my house. We stopped often and mom kept trying to make me potty outside, but I just ran around hoping she would chase me. That did not work to well I wanted to play and she wanted to get going. Very soon we arrived in Brooklyn and there was even a bigger crowd of people waiting to welcome us there. It was different and the people spoke funny, but it did not matter to me. Then I met my grandpa . . . he is a wonderful grandpa he is my lawyer (hee hee every Lhasa should have at least one). My Grandma had some treats for me already. I did not even have to train her. She came trained. Then my mom told grandma and grandpa good news and everybody was happy. During the next few weeks it was tough learning all the rules, but I did it to please my mom. Occasionally I had to give her a little attitude about things did not want her to think that she was the boss if you know what I mean. The man my new mom was married to was not pleasant to her or to me. He was very mean and cruel to both of us, but mom use to hold me and say things will work out as she often prayed. Things started to get crazy and then mom was not feeling well. I could sense she was not herself and then she left and came back hours later. They left so fast they left me alone with a million things I could get into, but not this time I had a feeling something was wrong. Then the man brings mommy home and she goes into bed. Something was wrong. She never stopped to tell me she was home. I was frightened! I jumped up on da bed and knew what happened. I was going to be the only baby for her. I thought quickly and placed my head on the tummy and watched as she cried herself to sleep. I comforted her day and night and gave her reason to get out of bed. Somebody had to feed me and walk me right? I was just what the doctor order. Things started to get worse between that man and mommy he would get mean and hurt her. I could not stand it nos more so I protected her and he hurt me too. Momma got really made and drew the line. At the time I was not sure what that meant, but we left that place and never went back. I was proud of my momma then and now! Mom took me and we stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's for sometime. Mom was coming back to her old self. She was going to school and working and having lots of time for me. We played catch and chase with Lucky who was a mix breed. (Now she is at rainbow heaven.) She was my friend and stayed with me when mom was not around. Slowly things started to change and mom found a Lhasa BB. Mom had time too met other friends that are my Aunts and I have lots of Cousins too out here in this cyber land. I know that they played an important role in my moms life then and still do today. I love all of my Aunts and Cousins and I know mom does too. Her prayers at night include all of our Lhasa & Tzu family. Mom met my "New daddy" of course he did not know it and she did not either, but I did. He lived in California and they talked often and a friendship blossomed into a relationship that turned into marriage. That is when I got to fly in an Airplane and got to sit under mommy's seat. Mom said that I behaved much better then the children that were aboard. I do love to ride in airplanes. I enjoy cars much more as I can hang my face out the window feeling the breeze through my hair. At times my attitude problem arises and I try to show mom & dad who is boss, but sometimes that does not work. Every once in awhile I will do something that will drive them absolutely wild and watch them get all worked up about that. When they talk to Grandpa on the phone, he says, " Not my Scraps you must be mistaken." I really like to see how long they can stay mad at me when I stare into their eyes with my little teary eyes. (It works all da time.)The only time I have a large attitude problem is when they make me where that silly rain coat. Can you believe my parents make me wear that? I wonder how they felt when their mom or dad made them where theirs. My favorite treats are human food. How else do you think I got my name? I steal any kind of chocolate although it is bad for me. I sniff it down and find it no matter how well they think they have hidden it from me. Any kinds of food you do not want to eat just share it with me. I eat anything! Mom and I have shared many smiles, hugs, tears and laughter along the way and we both know that without it would not have been that much fun. We hope you will too, have the same special relationship as we do. Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you want to know more about my attitude or anything else just email us either mom or I will answer you back. I like to sneak on here when she's busy and talk to my cousins. Lhasa Love to all! If you want to write to MY MOM! below!

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