Brie the Peke - 12/14/00 17:48:01
AAuuugh!! I've been kissed by a reindeer!
Riley-Lhasa Apso - 12/11/00 06:11:34
Your Fav treat?: did someone say cookie???
Your Fav hoomin?: my mom of course
Your Fav park?: the whole world is my park
Your Fav toy?: my beanie puppy :+)
You fav quote?: can you just rub my tummy?
You want to be here 2?: yup,wanna play?
my mom and I just love this site.We were so excited to find a special place just for me.My name is Riley and I am a Lhasa Apso.I am 21 months old.I will be two on March 11/2001.I am a tri colored Lhasa and oh ya....I'm a girl.I just love to play but my fa
orite pastime is spending time with my mom.I can't wait to explore your site some more so I am going to go now.My mom has promised me that we will visit your site lots and lots ....this makes me very happy.bye for now
merry Xmas everyone
Punkin Goris - 12/03/00 12:45:08
Your Fav treat?: Any doggie pellets
Your Fav hoomin?: Karen Goris
Your Fav park?: Gaithersburg, Md
Your Fav toy?: Plastic milk bottle
You fav quote?: I'm too cute
My name is Punkin I am 11 months old this month
I belong to Bill & Karen Goris
In Germantown, Maryland
Punkin Goris - 12/03/00 12:44:33
Your Fav treat?: Any doggie pellets
Your Fav hoomin?: Karen Goris
Your Fav park?: Gaithersburg, Md
Your Fav toy?: Plastic milk bottle
You fav quote?: I'm too cute
My name is Punkin I am 11 months old this month
I belong to Bill & Karen Goris
I Germantown, Md.
Tami Brandt - 11/12/00 20:03:12
Hello, I love your site. I also have a similar updated site located at the above url (the contents page has info on submitting your sites to the directory, if they aren't already there). But if you would like to bypass the beginning of the site, and go di
ectly to the Lhasa Apso section is at: Come see and please sign the guestbook!
Yer Chloe - 11/04/00 14:46:31
Your Fav treat?: Cheese
Your Fav hoomin?: BooMom
Your Fav park?: My backyard
Your Fav toy?: My sister Katie
You fav quote?: huh?
You want to be here 2?: Just say "hi"
Hello my Ernie, I was just visiting yer page as I haven't been here in awhile. I love to lookit alla doggies. Smoochies from me mi deer. It's back to chasing sqwirrels (I'm gonna katch me one any day now!). Love you...
Barney - 11/03/00 22:47:51
Thank you very much Ernie for putting my big brother on the Memorial page. We sure miss him! I know I wasn't always the nicest to him sometimes but I miss him so much. I know he has lots of friends to play with again and someday we can play together ag
in, and I won't be nasty!
You take care of yourself too Ernest Da Bucket.
Brie - 10/09/00 17:18:25
Your Fav treat?: Wonder Bread
Your Fav hoomin?: my new mom
Your Fav park?: my backyard-- it's all *mine*
You fav quote?: Peke Power!
You want to be here 2?: Mom has to take my picture wiff her camera soon
I love car rides! Can I come to your house?
Grant and Mom - 10/01/00 19:14:07
Your Fav treat?: steak
Your Fav hoomin?: Mom
Your Fav park?: My yard
Your Fav toy?: Allie
You want to be here 2?: huh?
Hey Ernie, Just checkin out the site. Love the new globe. Yer Mom is getting good at em. Take care dood.
Judy Shannon - 08/16/00 01:31:42
I saw a mixed Llsa/Shih Tsu at a local SICSA adoption center. I wanted to adopt it (was a stray) but because I don't know my neighbors, I was not approved. I am heartbroken. I wanted to see what a Llsa looked like on your site. It was very much like t
e stray I saw. It was so lovable and friendly. He had a bad hair cut from being clipped from matted hair when he arrived. I cannot believe they turned me away. I just had my previous dog put to sleep 2 weeks ago from arthritis and cancer pain. It wou
d have relieved me of some of the grief. Well, I feel better now that I've shared this with you. Thanks for the site and for reading my message.
Tiramisu (Tira) - 08/07/00 17:32:17
Your Fav treat?: bagels
Your Fav hoomin?: Mommy
Your Fav park?: Purdue Campus
Your Fav toy?: my bunny B.B.
I love this website! We need more websites just for us. I will tell my brother about this too so his mommy can send in his picture!
Peaches - 08/03/00 01:53:35
Your Fav treat?: People food
Your Fav hoomin?: My Mommy
Your Fav park?: My back yard
Your Fav toy?: My Mommy's stuffed animals
You fav quote?: I get Lhasa Lovin'
You want to be here 2?: Yep!
I have had my Lhasa, Peaches, for 10 years and I love her just like she is a real person. Your web site proved to me that Lhasa Apso's are the cuddliest, sweetest breed in the World. The In Memory Link was very sweet and it brought tears to my eyes. Thank
Tinker - 07/07/00 23:45:13
Your Fav treat?: weiners
Your Fav hoomin?: mama
Your Fav park?: back yard
Your Fav toy?: empty milk jug
You fav quote?: yap yap
You want to be here 2?: sure do
sweetest, most jealous, most loving, Brat,and cat hater that ever got lost and become a stray.
Blabigail - 07/04/00 20:36:05
Your Fav treat?: Ernie
Your Fav hoomin?: mymom
Your Fav park?: my back out
Your Fav toy?: Ernie
You fav quote?: when I am old I shall wear purple....
You want to be here 2?: at Ernies den
I am soo glad I met Ernie woofin-he has brought me outta my shell. Before that, only Bear woofed and wouldn't let me. Some day I hope to meet him in dogson
Su Ling - 06/13/00 19:02:34
Your Fav treat?: anything humans eat
Your Fav hoomin?: mommy
Your Fav park?: den floor
Your Fav toy?: teddy bear
You fav quote?: feed me till i pop
You want to be here 2?: not yet
the kids and i really enjoyed your sight, we have
2 PUGS and an old man Lhasa is is approx. 7, we lost his dad 2 years ago too a stroke. some day we want a little girl to breed odie too and have a little girl of our own. thanks for reading hope to see more pics soon Deby
Toby - 06/11/00 22:04:33
Your Fav treat?: undecided
Your Fav hoomin?: undecided
Your Fav park?: undecided
Your Fav toy?: everything
You fav quote?: hey i'm just a pupppy!
You want to be here 2?: um
coool site
Baxter and Belle - 06/02/00 18:55:12
Your Fav treat?: chewey bones
Your Fav park?: anywhere
Your Fav toy?: plastic newspaper
You fav quote?: walkies
You want to be here 2?: yeah
bogie - 05/22/00 23:34:05
My Email:Bogie1437&
Your Fav treat?: McDonald cheeseburger
Your Fav hoomin?: my mommie Deb
Your Fav park?: Mistletoe State park
Your Fav toy?: green turtle
You fav quote?: gotta pottie
You want to be here 2?: yes
I want my mommie to have sombody to talk to about how wonderful and smart I am. She loves to brag on me. I love snuggling with her after daddy goes to work. I sleep on my back with my head on his pillow. She even rocks me to sleep in the big chair. and
lets me hang my head out the window going down the road.
Tami Brandt - 05/08/00 11:17:12
Hello, I love your site. I also have a similar site located at the above url (which has info on submitting your sites to the directory, if they aren't already there). But if you would like to bypass the beginning of the site, and go directly to the Lhas
Apso section is at: Come see and sign the guestbook!
Zasha and Dunkkin - 03/19/00 09:44:39
Your Fav treat?: Snausages
Your Fav hoomin?: Daddy and Mommy
Your Fav park?: Back Yard
Your Fav toy?: Squeaky Bone and Diny-saur
You fav quote?: "Treats"
You want to be here 2?: Yes
We love your page. Zasha has been visiting it for awhile, but I was just born in November. Thanks to learning more about the breed from your page and others like it, Daddy and Mommy decided to get another Lhasa Apso, Dunkkin!
jewell powell-paw - 02/19/00 02:24:08
My Email:jowell996@aol
Your Fav treat?: coconut pie
Your Fav hoomin?: markie tomas
Your Fav park?: unicoi
Your Fav toy?: hippo
You fav quote?: ever spinning out of time, lik the windmills of your mind
You want to be here 2?: lake como
great web site. thanks for sharing!!!
Abbie - 01/08/00 01:52:02
Great pups of the month.
Bogie & Boochie - 01/07/00 00:10:12
Your Fav treat?: Human food
Your Fav hoomin?: Mom & Ant Dotti
Your Fav park?: Yard
Your Fav toy?: The cats
You fav quote?: Pet Me
You want to be here 2?: forever
Your page is awesome. Keep it up. Collage is great. How big can it get LOL Really like the addition of the Panda, but we are still the cutest
Xian (She-Ann) - 12/23/99 20:47:19
Your Fav treat?: pig ears
Your Fav park?: Latch Island Park
Your Fav toy?: braided yarn
You fav quote?: Wuuuuu,wuuuuu,wuuu
You want to be here 2?: No, I love my house!
I am headed from Minnesota to Colorado for the holidays and will visit all my owners relatives. I have made the trip three times and I
love the car. I have a favorite spot to sit and
watch everything and a comfy pillow in the back seat for my nap times. I was 1 in July and was
house trained in a matter of days and know several tricks. I am pretty smart.
I was named after a city in China that my
owners visited.
Bets - 12/20/99 19:30:51
I want to be a winner! I have gone through 2 knee surgeries in the last year and am still doing pretty good! I hate those darn hard pills Mom sticks down my throat, but they do make me feel better. deBucket, will you consider me as a pup of the month e
en though I'm a Black Lab??? HUH, HUH, HUH??????????????
Luv, Bo
Chloe - 12/19/99 13:58:30
Your Fav treat?: Peanut Budder Treats
Your Fav hoomin?: My Sissy, Jennifer
Your Fav park?: Karel Park, Eldorado, IL
Your Fav toy?: My little puppy sis, Katie
You fav quote?: Ummm.......
You want to be here 2?: Sign yer guestbook and say fangs!
Mr. Ernie, fangs fer displaying my pickchewer in such grand fashion on yer page. I am furry flattered to have such a special spotlight on memememememe. I am furry happy to get to nose you, you is a furry sweet doggy. Wagga wagga wagga wagga wagga.
Yer speshul furrend,
Ms. Chloe the Bichon
Ernie - 12/16/99 22:14:23
BOL Ms. Taffy!
It wasn't Princess Poppy, it was Chloe the new pup, but Mee fixed it fur ya!
Miss Taffy - 12/16/99 21:24:00
Hey! Princess Poppy has her tail up my noze! Its drivin me crazy. Ernie can you fix it with out detailin her. Maybe I'll send you my Kissmoose picture.
Miss Taffy
Abbie - 12/16/99 11:39:23
I luv the baby panda on the bridge looking over us. {{*}}
Mister Toby - 12/15/99 18:54:16
Your Fav treat?: chewies
Your Fav hoomin?: Mommy!
Your Fav park?: the rec field behind our house is nice
Your Fav toy?: chewies
You fav quote?: gimmegimmegimme!
Kewl webpage! Our favorite thing is da collage, we come back efurryday just to see who is new!
MaggiedaPughead - 12/15/99 18:51:06
My URL:http://members.delphi/mspughead
Your Fav treat?: rawhide chewies
Your Fav hoomin?: Mommy!
Your Fav park?: I doan go to parks
Your Fav toy?: my cell phone or boom box
You fav quote?: Snort!
You want to be here 2?: huh?
Hiya Ernie,
Furry nice website ya got here! Fangs fur incloodin me in your pitchers and collage!
Pig An' Moose - 12/15/99 01:29:37
Your Fav treat?: Rawhide Boneys
Your Fav hoomin?: MOM!!
Your Fav park?: Enny BigOut wif Water
Your Fav toy?: FuzzyDuckyWifoutABeak
You fav quote?: Lord, please make me the kind of person my dog thinks I am.
You want to be here 2?: O'course!
Roo, ernie:
I rillyrilly like YourPage. Pawtly cuz *I* am onnit! Fangs. Soon's Mom's got pickchewers of StoopidHarleyTheChocklitMoose, I'll send'em to you.
PigTheLOUD, aka MissJessicaMcFurPerson
test - 12/13/99 19:07:55
My Email:test
Gunney - 12/11/99 01:51:39
Your Fav treat?: Raw Bonies frum cow legs
Your Fav hoomin?: MyDad, of course
Your Fav park?: Me a country dog, what bee a park?
Your Fav toy?: MyDad, my cow bones, white furball wif the orange face
You fav quote?: "Good Dog"
You want to be here 2?: Of Course, since me is!
RRrroo Ernie and ErnieMom, you guys are a good team, this is a wunnerful site fur doggies. Me is furry impressed--you are GOOOOoooDDDD! Me rilly likes what you did wif my picshure. If procrastinatinmyDad efer gets our films developed me will send you a
better one and maybee efen tink bout changin my siggy. (me likes the dogcode tho, haf to tink on that sum)--Gunney, your furend
Alex - 12/10/99 23:48:26
Your Fav treat?: Pupperoni's !!!
Your Fav hoomin?: Mom, of course
Your Fav park?: Collins (nice lake)
Your Fav toy?: Bonnie's, all of them !
You fav quote?: Where's dinner ?
You want to be here 2?: Yes, but I like home !
Love your site ! Will send you a pix as soon as I can get my paw on a scanner. I'm new at puters, but daddy is helping me! By the way, the groomer at Bark Ave. (real name!) says I look great for a 6 yr old 18 lb Lhasa. Not only that, but I learned how to
hare (my toyz).
woof ! but only cause I like you
p.s. I lost my cousin Muffin last week, and I am very sad right now. Can you say a little prayer for Grandma? She lost her husband last spring, and now has nobody, and is very lonely.
Luv, Al
Alex - 12/10/99 23:18:49
Your Fav treat?: Pupperoni's !!!!!!
Your Fav hoomin?: Mom, of course
Your Fav park?: Collins (nice lake)
Your Fav toy?: Bonnie
You fav quote?: Where's Misty
You want to be here 2?: I like home just fine
Love your site ! Will send a pix as soon as I can
Daphne - 12/10/99 01:33:45
Your Fav treat?: turkey leftovers
Your Fav hoomin?: my mom
Your Fav park?: by da airport
Your Fav toy?: anyting Vinny has
You fav quote?: I be why dey calls us bitches
You want to be here 2?: YEP!
We got togedder'n let Daphne sign, but all 4 of us wuz here, Vinny, Duncan & Taco too! Dis is fun! We luvs saying hi to all'a our dog friens!
Cila Winn - 12/09/99 20:24:16
Your Fav treat?: Chocolate
Your Fav hoomin?: Me
Your Fav park?: One close to the door!
Your Fav toy?: my computer
You want to be here 2?: huh?
Well Dotti looks like they finally got the guestbook thing fixed. I'm glad we are not working at cloaning anymore!
Love Ya!
Cila Winn - 12/09/99 20:23:51
Your Fav treat?: Chocolate
Your Fav hoomin?: Me
Your Fav park?: One close to the door!
Your Fav toy?: my computer
You want to be here 2?: huh?
Well Dotti looks like they finally got the guestbook thing fixed. I'm glad we are not working at cloaning anymore!
Love Ya!
Boo - 12/09/99 11:43:43
Your Fav treat?: Pizza Bones
Your Fav hoomin?: Momma
Your Fav park?: Da park by Gwanny's house
Your Fav toy?: Don't play wif toys...butts I love to blitz
You fav quote?: duh...
You want to be here 2?: Just say hello and fangs!
Hiya Ernie! Fangs for da honor of pet of da munf. I have been showing off my pickchewer on yer page to alla my furrends. I also made my Gwanny furry proud. :)
Happy holidays to you and yer mom! Hope you have a super millenium new ears, too!
Ernie da bucket! - 12/08/99 22:49:26
Your Fav treat?: pupperonis
Your Fav hoomin?: Mi Mom
Your Fav park?: My OUT
Your Fav toy?: red debil, an oatmeal b
You fav quote?: A dwagees gotta do...what a doggees gotta dew
You want to be here 2?: I yam alwedy!
Just checking this....after days of pestering geocities ! LOL