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The Lhasa Connection
Abbies Story
Hi my name is Abbie. I've got plenty of places to sleep in my house. It's really great. It took me a long time to convince my mom that I needed a bed in every room, humans are so slow! But now I have great places to curl up and nap all over my house. Some rooms even have two beds for me! ~~~ Beds are a good place to hide your treats and toys if you don't want your humans messing around with your stuff. Let me take you on a tour and show you what cool stuff I have hiding in the places I like to sleep... ~~~ I keep a whole bunch of toys under the coffee table in the living room. And a bowl of snack food, Purina One. Oh sure, technically it not really a bed here-- but it drives mom nuts to see me trying to burying dog food on in her good rug!! C'mon, it's time for the next stop, Let's head upstairs. ~~~ Whew, that was a workout! But here we are in the "main" bedroom. See, I've got that big pile of blankets over there in the corner next to the people bed! Don't tell anyone, but I keep a fuzzy elephant and a stuffed red dog under the blankets. There's also a pigs ear in there. And an old sock I stole from dad. And a magazine that I snuck off dad's night stand-wait till he finds out!! And a stale Pupperoni, hey you never know when you'll get hungry! ~~~ Let's go across the hall. This is the guest room. I really rate in here. Two beds!! A big old comforter that has more toys, a stuffed rattle frog, a pooh bear, a really, really rank stuffed bunny. And a tiger that really growls! I love toys that make sounds! Now that I am older-- after all I am almost 15-- I really don't play with my toys, but they do make great pillows to sleep with. ~~~ Oh, hey, be careful! Don't tug on the corner of the comforter...oops! Too late! Sorry that's the place I hide all the Liva Snaps mom gives me. Want one? Sure, go ahead! ~~~ I have another bed in this room. It's that fake lamby wool thing that mom came home with. I feel like it's some kinda doggie futon. I tried hiding a chewy in the darned thing and couldn't dig around in it worth anything. I don't hide stuff there. ~~~ Let's go back downstairs. I'll show you where I spend the most time. Yup, here we are in the computer room. See? I have that big ol' comforter over there behind the chair. I spend most of my time here. There's a big wooden bunny rabbit that fell off the bookcase into my bed. I growl at anyone who tries to take it out of there. It's mine now!! I kinda like the company. There's a lot of crumbs in this bed 'cause I love to eat my treats here. And it's kinda sandy here too, because this is where I come to snooze after my walk at the beach. Mom tried to clean my bed up and re fold it nice and neat, but I make sure I rumple it up real good! There's lots of treats in here! Want a Beef Bite?? I can dig one up for you. ~~~ Well, that's the end of my tour. Uh-oh, just in time, too. It looks like mom is coming in here....Don't tell her anything! Come back anytime to play.
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