Hi my name is Barney. I am an eight-year-old male Lhasa apso. I am white
and tan, with adorable big brown eyes and the cutest smile (course
with my little underbite it makes me even more appealing ) I am
a talking lhasa, ask me momma or my Ants. I say Momma, love you and no no
no, with the last being my favorite…hee hee. I have a older brother
named Theo…he not a lhasa but I tinks he is a Tibetan terrier…he
won’t tell us what he is…lol Theo and me kind of look alike but
Theo is lots taller. Ha ha…I smarter and sweeter though. Dat my opinion!
I gots a sister too, her name is Scarlett, she a red & white Shih Tzu.
She is 6 years old. She’s a former showgirl so sometimes she really
think she hot stuff! She came to live with us 2 years ago after my sister
Clanci went to the Rainbow Bridge. Clanci was my buddy…we played together
lots and I used to sneak attack her but she always got even with me, she’d
jump off the couch right on top of me when I was running by and then we would
wrestle. I sure miss her sometimes… I tried to get Scarlett
to play with me but she a big sissy chicken….but once in while she will
play a little…so I be patient and maybe she play more someday. We all
own mom, that is Bonnie or Bons as she known here. But I am the one in charge
of mom and the house. We used to have a gramma but she went to the Bridge
to be with Clanci last year. Sometimes we home alone we really miss her.
Mom travels a lot for her job now and we stays home alone but we gots Brenda,
our sitter. She come and takes care of us and stuff. She a real nice lady
and one time when I was sick she rushed me to the vetman. I not fond of vetman
but not like being sick neither. I recently gots diabetes and Cushings disease.
I taking medicine for both of them and vetman gots me stable now so I doing
good. Theo gots diabetes too…so we both get them shots every
day…gees….but mom good and not hurt us with them needles.
I likes all kinds of treaties but love puperoni…and the real stuff even
better. Hmmm…ya think lhasas are from Italy? I LOVE Italian
food…pizza, basghetti, lasagna, yum yum!! We all been bad to mom lately
and not want to eat our food so now she makes chicken for us and puts that
with our food….see knew if we fussed enough we gets the good stuff .
I love car rides and mom takes us for rides every night when she
come home from work. I like to sleep on the bed with momma and make sure
she safe. We gots lots of them little beds on the floor and I like to play
in them. My favorite toy is my ball. I love my balls. I take my balls everywhere.
Lately though I take them outside when Brenda let us out during the day and
bury them in the yard, I gots a nice big hole dug next to the house behind
one of the hibiscus bushes. When mom not paying enough attention to me I
takes my ball and I throw it under the furniture or that running machine
(hey I went on that one time but not sure if I likes it too much) then I
makes mom come and find the ball for me…I bark and bark at her til she

I gots special story to tell you about how I come to own my momma. Before
I came to momma she was owned by Molly but Molly went to the Rainbow Bridge
and momma was so upset and she knew she had to have another furkid in her
life so she goes to the Humane Society and looks for a dog. She already decided
that she wanted a lhasa but she wanted a girl. Well that one fine day she
walked into this place where I was kept, all alone in this small kennel.
I was in this big room with lots of other dogs too…and they were barking
all the time and I was so scared. For some reason I had left my other family
and come to this place. I didn’t want to be there and I wanted someone
to love me again. Well momma walks in and she looks at me, I had this cute
bandana on and did my best to get her attention and stood up and gave her
that look…you pups know that look It was love at first sight
for both of us. Momma did her best not to reach down and pick me up, there
was sign saying not to do that. Then she looked up at another sign and all
sudden she looked so sad, she had tears in her eyes. I not know what that
was all about. Mom told me later that the sign said my name was Bandit, about
year old, was going to be spayed but what the big problem was that made mom
sad was the word ADOPTED. I not adopted…I wanted my mom…no one
else!! Mom said good bye to me and left…that big door closed and she
gone. That was Monday and sign say I getting fixed next day. Poor Momma,
poor me! Well I gots fixed and my new parents came and picked me up the next
day and took me home. I decided that I was not going to live there, I wanted
to be with my momma so I made sure that the man not like me and I not like
him. In the meantime mom adopted Clanci, my to-be sister. She gots her from
a man that needed to find her a good home, well we know he gots right place
for her when he gots my mom to adopt her. Clanci came home with mom on Thursday
night. Well I know what happening so I acted up real bad and make sure the
new peoples really not like me. Hee hee! The lady decided she would not keep
me (it working) and she asked a lady she worked with if she knew anyone that
wanted a cute little dog. That lady she asked was mom’s neighbor’s
daughter. Neighbor lady, Doris, she call gramma and ask if I wanted this
dog. Gramma say we just got Clanci and already had Theo, three dogs too much.
But gramma had feeling so she call mom at work and tell her about me and
that this lady adopted me from Humane Society on Wednesday, a year-old male
lhasa. Gramma wondering if I can be the same dog mom fell in love with, but
mom say that can’t be cuz dog she saw was a female she thought, sign
said spayed not neutered. Gramma said that friend was also looking for a
dog so maybe I could go look at this dog for her. Well mom come home and
call the lady and say she come over Saturday morning to see me. Saturday
finally came and mom come and ring bell at the house I was staying at. I
knew it was my momma and I came running across the house and jumped right
up to her and kissed her and barked and carried on…I was so happy she
here I know she coming to take me home. The lady that adopted me couldn’t
believe my reaction cuz I had been so quiet and not wanting to be by anyone.
She just looked at the two of us and said, "I think he was waiting for you."
That was it, mom got my stuff and my adoption papers and off we went together.
Mom was so happy she crying and I was so happy too. We went home and told
gramma, "We now have three dogs!" Oh by the way, I still had on the same
bandana I was wearing at that place. Mom say she was confused about me being
girl cuz of that sign, but I was definitely the same dog!! I have been with
mom now since 11/17/90 and we truly happy together…we have a special
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