Seven ways to Brighten Today.
- Pick up the telephone and renew an old friendship.
- Do something nice and unexpected for someone who's down.
- Smile at everyone you see.
- Have lunch with a friend, a child or a grandchild.
- Send a thank you note to someone who has enriched your life.
- Count your blessings.
- Then thank God - to make Him smile!
Hi! My name is Larry Collins. I'm a member of Southland Missionary Baptist Church, located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Southland Missionary Baptist Church is a Bible believing church.My goal is to reach as many people as I can, with the Gospel of Christ. If you want to learn more about Jesus, or have a question about the Bible, then click one of the buttons below. If you have a prayer request then write to my e-mail address, 1997 or you can leave the message on my Guest Register
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