Zumbrota Covered Bridge Website!

The Zumbota Covered Bridge Moves Home!

By Alma Swanson - President of the Zumbrota Covered Bridge Society

Click here to read about the Zumbro River flood in the summer of 1998

Learn more about the history of the Zumbrota Covered Bridge from the Zumbrota News-Record

Find out about other Covered Bridges from the New York Covered Bridge Society. Once on their page, click on their links button to travel across the country!


The Zumbrota covered bridge was built in 1869 and stood on the north end of Main street in Zumbrota until 1932 when it was moved to the County Fair grounds and used for various reasons, namely 4H projects. It stood there until August 1970 when a group of interested citizens AND the Zumbrota Covered Bridge Society pursued it's moving to a new location, a park at the north end of the city to a park housing historic landmarks. At the present time there is a log cabin which will be under restoration soon, a schoolhouse from Belvedere area, a jail, camping area, ball fields, picnic shelter and of course, the covered bridge which was moved by the new library.

The Bridge Goes Home

It was an exciting and eventful day that finally happened! The covered bridge now stands in its final resting place over the Zumbro River.

The workmen from Minnowa Construction Company in Harmony, Mn. were busy for 4 weeks prior to moving to make repairs. They were a wonderful and caring group and very interested in the bridge. On March 3, 1997, preparation was completed to begin moving it on the 4th at 7:30 a.m. It was a cold day but that did not stop the excitement all around. After all, no one had ever seen a covered bridge get moved, there were television camera men and newspaper editors all around. It was excitement that nothing can surpass. The elementary school children were bussed to see the moving process. We had wonderful coverage throughout the whole state since it is the only authentic bridge left in Minnesota.

To reminisce a little: The bridge was built in 1869 and is 116.4 feet long. It was located at the north end of Main Street . In 1932, the Highway Dept. wanted it replaced by a concrete bridge, so it was moved out to the County Fairgrounds where it stood until 1970 when it was moved to the Covered Bridge Park in town. It was there until the final move recently. It looks MAGNIFICENT over the river where it will be used as a walking and bicycle path into the park. It stands next to the new Library and other important buildings will be built soon.

I was told the bridge weighs 52 ton, and is built of heavy oak timbers. It was raised off the ground to place a steel support under it. The steel supporting framework had been fabricated and painted to match the bridge. A "house moving rig" with dollies pulled by a semi truck was used. The steel support was lifted on to the this rig and the combination was backed under the bridge. The bridge was lowered on to the rig and a truck assisted by a "CAT" rolled along about a block easily and gracefully. We were so happy that nothing happened; it was supported very carefully so that it would not tip.

The abutments and a center pier were ready. The bridge was pulled over the Zumbro river on to a temporary trestle by a cable that was winched from a truck on the opposite shore. When it was in place the foreman said "the bridge is home!".

The price of moving the bridge is approximately $300,000, a large amount. Some donations have come in but it will take considerably more to landscape around it and keep the bridge in good repair.

It was a long time in coming and a lot of work involved by many people. We are thankful to the Dept. of Transportation who saw the project worthy of a generous contribution and to individuals who also donated monies. We invite you to come to Zumbrota and see this historic landmark. Please let us know when you come, your visit is important and we want to meet you.

We are grateful to Charlie Buck who obtained so many new members who are listed in this bulletin. We also appreciate the Fifth grade students of ZUMBROTA MAZEPPA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT for their generous donation to our society. They have done this for several years in place of giving valentines.

Also thanks to the following who volunteered their services : Jerry Moore, Editor; Ray Meinke, Treas ;Bill McFarlane Co-Treas; Dorothy Hadler, Secy/VP and Orvella Babineau, Historian. Without these volunteers, we would not be able to function as a society.

Last updated 8/98

This page is maintained by Alma and Albert Swanson