Hello there. Glad you stopped in. Please take a moment and drop me a line. Be sure to enter your Hardesty connection. We might be cousins!!!! If you have any Hardesty informtion you want online, or have a webpage that features Hardesty somewhere, or want to register your email be sure to sign here and you can always email me at seeker@netwalk.com. Lets connect!! |
glennsolomon - 02/05/00 21:31:46
My URL:glenn-solomon@ouhsc.edu
My Email:glenn-solomon@ouhsc.edu
Earliest Hardesty: lawrence richard
Location of Earliest Hardesty: west mineral kansas
What information do you need?: any
Associated Surnames: sweet
grandparents, lawrence and claudia sweet-she died in the spanish flu in 1920 their 2 girls, alice and claudia levaughn were sent to 2 aunts and the girls, my mom and aunt have lost touch with each other mom is 86 now and knows very little of this family-some live in girard kansas but have not made contact yet'half brothers and sisters but no names,Thanks!
Gina Delfino - 01/29/00 21:52:25
My Email:sunshine927@iximd.com
Earliest Hardesty: Homer Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Oakland Maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Edgewood MD, Tennesse, New York
Who do you need information for?: my fiance'- William Michael Hardesty
What information do you need?: anything
This site is really neat. I hope someone can help me find any information related to mike's family. Any help is really appreciated. Than You!!
Kelly Hardesty Phipps - 01/24/00 21:08:09
My Email:narrows@bluecrab.org
Earliest Hardesty: Thomas G Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: MD and Conn
Who do you need information for?: anyone before 1850
What information do you need?: any
Associated Surnames: Nutwell, Crandall, Stallings
Looking to pick up where grandfather left off. HARDESTY of Anne Arundel co, Md. Thomas G m. Mary Nutwell in 1834. He died in abt 1871
Michael Weber - 01/23/00 03:20:12
My Email:radweb@lanminds.com
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Marion, KY and Alameda, CA
Who do you need information for?: family tree
What information do you need?: any about earliest origins, also how family arrived in Crittenden Co. from Bourbon Co.
Associated Surnames: Miller, Hardin
This is a terrific site. Unfortunately, I can't access all of the links, I'm not sure why, I'm sure my teenage son can tell me what I'm doing wrong. We are interested in earliest origins (historical and linguistic aspect) of name, but have no idea how t
research...we're new to genealogy. Since we're trying to keep younger family members interested, we'd like to know if any Hardesty's were in Revolutionary War. Would love to know how the Bourbon Co.(KY) Hardesty branch got to Crittenden Co.(KY) where t
ey settled in a town called Tolu and are buried in the Barnett Chapel Cemetary in Marion KY. My husband is a grandson of Comba Chester Hardesty, and we're in California. Guess that's all for now! Joanne Weber
Jeffrey l Hardesty - 01/21/00 05:52:06
My Email:lugnut13@bright.net
Penny Carpenter - 01/15/00 03:39:45
My Email:pacarpenter@home.com
Earliest Hardesty: 1833
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Montreal,Quebec,Canada
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: England
Who do you need information for?: self/family tree
What information do you need?: birthplace&parents
Associated Surnames: Christmas
Trying to find ANY Quebec,Canada Hardistys with roots in England in particular info on Charlotte Margaret Hardisty who married Thomas James Christmas of Montreal,Quebec,Canada. TIA !
Harold Willard - 12/23/99 08:56:53
My Email:Haroldwillard@msn.com
Earliest Hardesty: William A. Hardesty (1819)
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Blandinsville, IL
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: OK
Who do you need information for?: Myself
What information do you need?: Place of Birth; wife; children
Associated Surnames: Hume; Findley; Hainline;
William A. Hardesty was my great, great grandfather born 9/17/1819; died 8/20/95; Daughter was Martha J. Hardesty (Married a Findley and later Married William Hume 9/15/1892)
- - all taken from an old family bible.
Celeste Messer - 11/16/99 23:18:28
Earliest Hardesty: Jesse S. & Ella
Location of Earliest Hardesty: WV/MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Same
Who do you need information for?: My Family
What information do you need?: Their ancestors
Associated Surnames: Hershman
My great-great-grandparents were Jesse S. Hardesty
and Ella Hardesty. Yes, both were Hardesty's! Their daughter, Hattie Pearl Hardesty married a Jesse Smith Hershman. Does anyone have any info on them? Are they contected to the Hardesty's listed within this website? Thanks for any help!
11/14/99 06:08:58
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Jane Hardesty Drouillard - 11/12/99 02:51:10
My Email:ddrouil1@wwnet.net
Earliest Hardesty: Hiram H. Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Carroll Co., Ohio
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: S. Dak, Ohio, Wis.
Who do you need information for?: Hiram and Amelia Hardesty and children
What information do you need?: birth, baptism, marriage, death
Associated Surnames: Paessler(?), Willis, Bainbridge
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Bill Stafford - 10/31/99 13:18:58
My Email:wantagh@msn.com
Earliest Hardesty: John Hardisty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: London 1760
Who do you need information for?: Family History
What information do you need?: Connections to this family
Associated Surnames: Warden, Smith
John Hardisty married Martha Warden in London in 1760. They had 5 children: Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah, Robert and Thomas. They went to St. Andrews on Holbourn. Elizabeth married a John Smith at St. Brides on Fleet St.
william e. hardesty - 10/21/99 21:43:59
My Email:whardest@niu.edu
Daneena Hardesty-Perry - 10/20/99 19:21:07
My Email:dlperry@pcl.com
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Westville, IL
Who do you need information for?: Kenneth Hardesty
What information do you need?: Parents Names&Nationality
ray versluys - 10/19/99 22:40:25
My Email:versluys@airswitch.net
Earliest Hardesty: edward hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: missouri and maryland
Who do you need information for?: my own line
What information do you need?: ancestors of edward
Associated Surnames: carrico
trying to sure up the parents of Edward and his wife Susan Yates
gene hardesty - 10/10/99 13:42:24
My Email:hardesty@hrtc.net
Earliest Hardesty: madison
Location of Earliest Hardesty: doe run missouri
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: wisconsin/indiana
Associated Surnames: skaggs
just getting started. have found info from internet...jack hardesty/quincy il. web page. any info to help search from aquilla hardesty.. interested in indiana connections.. thanks
Dennis Hardesty - 09/29/99 14:56:23
My Email:hard404361@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Elza Madison Hardesty born 7/7/1879
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Greene County, Indiana
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Iowa?
Who do you need information for?: Myself, my 4 brothers and their children
What information do you need?: The name of my greatgrandfather, Elza's Father
Associated Surnames: Action
I am trying to find out information on my greatgrandfathers roots. My greatgrandmother(Lydia Action) had a common law husband who was a Hardesty. They lived in Greene, County Indiana. I don't know his name for he deserted my grandmother and then married a
other woman. To make a long story short, There was a court case and my grandmother Action won, allowing her to keep all assets. The judge then banned my greatgrandfather and his new wife from the state of Indiana. It is said that they settled in Iowa. My
randfather Elza had two sisters; Mary, born in 1881 and Rosalie, born inn 1883.
Dennis Hardesty - 09/29/99 14:54:34
My Email:hard404361@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Elza Madison Hardesty born 7/7/1879
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Greene County, Indiana
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Iowa?
Who do you need information for?: Myself, my 4 brothers and their children
What information do you need?: The name of my greatgrandfather, Elza's Father
Associated Surnames: Action
I am trying to find out information on my greatgrandfathers roots. My grandmother(Lydia Action) had a common law husband who was a Hardesty. They lived in Greene, County Indiana. I don't know his name for he deserted my grandmother and then married anothe
woman. To make a long story short, There was a court case and my grandmother Action won, allowing her to keep all assets. The judge then banned my greatgrandfather and his new wife from the state of Indiana. It is said that they settled in Iowa. My grand
ather Elza had two sisters; Mary, born in 1881 and Rosalie, born inn 1883.
Dennis Hardesty - 09/29/99 14:52:09
My Email:hard404361@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Elza Madison Hardesty born 7/7/1879
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Greene County, Indiana
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Iowa?
Who do you need information for?: Myself and my 4 brothers and children
What information do you need?: The name of my greatgrandfather, Elza's Father
Associated Surnames: Action
I am trying to find out information on my greatgrandfathers roots. My grandmother(Lydia Action) had a common law husband who was a Hardesty. They lived in Greene, County Indiana. I don't know his name for he deserted my grandmother and then married anothe
woman. To make a long story short, There was a court case and my grandmother Action won, allowing her to keep all assets. The judge then banned my greatgrandfather and his new wife from the state of Indiana. It is said that they settled in Iowa. My grand
ather Elza had two sisters; Mary, born in 1881 and Rosalie, born inn 1883.
Lori Meeks(Hardesty) - 09/29/99 02:49:43
My URL:http://rgcox/hardesty
My Email:meksmapa6@rmi.net
Earliest Hardesty: obediah
Location of Earliest Hardesty: don't know
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: don't know
Who do you need information for?: myself
What information do you need?: any from obediah on
Associated Surnames: headley,iiams,hatcher,walton
Linda Cable Turner - 09/28/99 15:44:12
My Email:lindyloutoo@yahoo.com
Earliest Hardesty: Edmond/Harriet
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Md
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ohio,Indiana ,Ogle&Lee Co,Illinois
Who do you need information for?: M.Hardesty first husband of Harriet Hardesty Akins
What information do you need?: anything
Associated Surnames: Cable/Palmer
M. Hardesty was the father of Harriet's first five children. He supposedly died in Indiana during Harriet's first attemt to migrate West. Does anyone know who "M." was? She returned to Ohio and married James Akins(Aikins?) In 1835 they migrated to Ogle Co
Illinois . Harriet's youngest son by M. Hardesty,William, married Clarissa Palmer in 1850 in Ogle Co. I would like any information about her as she was my grandmother's "Grammy" of whom I heard many stories. My grandmother, Ada Blanche Drummond and her b
other Floyd Drummond(their mother was Dora, daughter of Wm.& Clarissa.Their farther was John Deane Drummond) married brother and sister Arthur(b.1882) and Melissa (b.1878-79)(aka Constance Castle d. Santa Fe NM 1966) Cable. Children of Henry and Mary Jane
Davidson Cable.All of Ogle or Lee counties. Now, the Cables are as hard to find as the Hardesty clan is easy, So if anyone has any information on the Cable family of Ogle & Lee Co. Il. by way of Andrew Jackson Cable c. 1835 from Cades Cove Tn. I would be
ost greatful to hear from you. Thank you!!!
Linda Cable Turner - 09/28/99 15:39:44
My Email:lindyloutoo@yahoo.com
Earliest Hardesty: Edmond/Harriet
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Md
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ohio,Indiana ,Ogle&Lee Co,Illinois
Who do you need information for?: M.Hardesty first husband of Harriet Hardesty Akins
What information do you need?: anything
Associated Surnames: Cable/Palmer
M. Hardesty was the father of Harriet's first five children. He supposedly died in Indiana during Harriet's first attemt to migrate West. Doe anyone know who "M." was? She returned to Ohio and married James Akins(Aikins?) In 1835 they migrated to Ogle Co.
Illinois . Harriet's yougest son by M. Hardesty,William, married Clarissa Palmer in 1850 in Ogle Co. I would like any information about her as she was my grandmother's "Grammy" of whom I heard many stories. My grandmother, Ada Blanche Drummond and her bro
her Floyd Drummond(their mother was Dora, daughter of Wm.& Clarissa.Their farther was John Deane Drummond) married brother and sister Arthur(b.1882) and Melissa (b.1878-79)(aka Constance Castle d. Santa Fe NM 1966) Cable. Children of Henry and Mary Jane D
vidson Cable.All of Ogle or Lee counties. Now, the Cables are as hard to find as the Hardesty clan is easy, So if anyone has any information on the Cable family of Ogle & Lee Co. Il. by way of Andrew Jackson Cable c. 1835 from Cades Cove Tn. I would be mo
t greatful to hear from you. Thank you!!!
Linda Cable - 09/28/99 14:48:21
Danny L. Hardesty - 09/09/99 02:08:08
My Email:dharde@texas.net
Earliest Hardesty: Francis Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ohio, Indiana, Texas
What information do you need?: photos, biographies
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Ancestry as follows: Danny Hardesty
Danny L. Hardesty - 09/09/99 02:00:48
My Email:dharde@texas.net
Earliest Hardesty: Francis Hardisty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ohio, Indiana, Texas
What information do you need?: photos, biographies
Ancestors of Danny L. Hardesty
William Gregory Hardesty - 09/09/99 01:10:36
My Email:12188@surfsouth.com
Earliest Hardesty: William McLelland Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Logan, WV
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Unknown
Who do you need information for?: Myself
What information do you need?: Any
I'm just getting started on this to help my son on a school project. I am amazed at the amount of information available. My grandfather told me that his family was from somewhere in Pennsylvania. I will find out more and post findings.
Danny Hardesty - 09/08/99 12:52:22
My Email:dharde@texas.net
Earliest Hardesty: Thomas
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ohio, Indiana, Texas
Great site! I will try to provide my ancestry with precise dates of birth, deaths, names, etc. at some later point.
Danny Hardesty
Alberta Hardesty Johnston - 08/22/99 21:14:11
My Email:ralpho@erols.com
Earliest Hardesty: Richard Hardesty Jr.
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Calvert County, Maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Berryville, Clarke County, VA
Who do you need information for?: Info on his father Richard
What information do you need?: Where the Hardestys come from in England or were they French Huegenots
Associated Surnames: Carter, Pierce, Thompson, Butt
Richard Hardesty, Jr., moved to Berryville VA in 1790 from Calvert County, MD. He was born in 1771. He had 20 children and was married twice. His first wife was Sarah Smith, his second wife was Sarah Pierce. He was a prosperous farmer in Berryville.
f anyone has info on Calvert County, MD, Hardesty's I would appreciate it.
Alberta Hardesty Johnston - 08/22/99 21:09:28
My Email:ralpho@erols.com
Earliest Hardesty: Richard Hardesty Jr.
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Calbert County, Maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Berryville, Clarke County, VA
Who do you need information for?: Info on his father Richard
What information do you need?: Where the Hardestys come from in England or were they French Huegenots
Associated Surnames: Carter, Pierce, Thompson, Butt
Richard Hardesty, Jr., moved to Berryville VA in 1790 from Calvert County, MD. He was born in 1771. He had 20 children and was married twice. His first wife was Sarah Smith, his second wife was Sarah Pierce. He was a prosperous farmer in Berryville.
f anyone has info on Calvert County, MD, Hardesty's I would appreciate it.
V.Tilton/Shy - 08/17/99 20:04:34
My Email:vstiltonsh@socket.net
Earliest Hardesty: Edmund
Location of Earliest Hardesty: IL
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: IL
Who do you need information for?: Amy
What information do you need?: family stories
Associated Surnames: Tilton
Have considerable information on Tilton/Hardesty connections, in Ogle Co. IL. Also, letters from my grandfather, Henry Tilton in 1873 mentions staying with Wash Hardesty in Osborn KS and going on buffalo hunt in Nebrask with him. Also mentions Uncle Dan
I visited Osborn City Cemetery (did no researh there) but noted the spelling there was with an "i" instead of an "e".
Stan Hardisty - 07/27/99 23:46:43
My Email:stanhardisty@extra.co.nz
Earliest Hardesty: George c1738
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Fewston,Yorks,England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Thornthwaite,West End,Dacre,Bewerley all near Fewston
Who do you need information for?: self
What information do you need?: Baptism or birth of George
Associated Surnames: Demaine,Raynard,Pounder,Weatherhead,Allen,
From information I have. Hardisty Hill,Fewston. The Hardisty family settled in this area before Doomsday.The name is reputedly of Norse origin-Hardolfsty -there is metion of Hardulf's path in ancient manuscript.In 1400 a blacksmith known as 'Old Hardisty'
was spur,sword armour maker for the King living in Washburn Dell,Blubberhouses(Hardisty Hill. From my own thoughts Hardy is the hole in the Anvil. Sty = Path, old English.
Stan Hardisty - 07/27/99 23:37:59
My Email:stanhardisty
Earliest Hardesty: George c1738
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Fewston,Yorks,England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Thornthwaite,West End,Dacre,Bewerley all near Fewston
Who do you need information for?: self
What information do you need?: Baptism or birth of George
Associated Surnames: Demaine,Raynard,Pounder,Weatherhead,Allen,
From information I have. Hardisty Hill,Fewston. The Hardisty family settled in this area before Doomsday.The name is reputedly of Norse origin-Hardolfsty -there is metion of Hardulf's path in ancient manuscript.In 1400 a blacksmith known as 'Old Hardisty'
was spur,sword armour maker for the King living in Washburn Dell,Blubberhouses(Hardisty Hill. From my own thoughts Hardy is the hole in the Anvil. Sty = Path, old English.
Georgeanne Hardesty - 07/22/99 02:41:02
My Email:ghardesty@prodigy.net
Earliest Hardesty: Mathew Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: oklahoma
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: spring,tx, lafayette IN
Who do you need information for?: self
What information do you need?: possible relatives
Associated Surnames: dimmit,
Just started looking, amased at how many "family" names are in our current family, we have a richard, pierce, william, philip, henry, ward, nicolas, that I saw all over your page. must have relatives out there.
Warren A Wolff - 07/18/99 06:32:49
My Email:wwolff@gateway.net
Earliest Hardesty: Thomas/Mary Ann Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Platte County, MO
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Virginia??
Who do you need information for?: ggggmother
What information do you need?: ancestors/origin/residence/other offspring
Associated Surnames: Pierce/Hughes/Carlin
I have a report that Thomas and Mary Ann had a father and grandfather named Richard. That's all I know except that Mary Ann married John (Joseph?) Pierce, a parent of Lucinda Alvira Pierce married to my ggrandfather Daniel Hughes Carlin. Contact me at w
olff@gateway.net Regards, Warren A Wolff
Descendants of Father Hardesty
1 Father Hardesty 1764 - 1825
.. +Mother unknown 1778 - 1830
......... 2 Mary Ann Hardesty 1808 - 1875
............. +John Pierce 1808 - 1870
.................... 3 Lucinda (Lucy) Alvira Pierce 1840 - 1927
........................ +Daniel Hughes Carlin 1836 - 1909
............................... 4 Ida May Carlin 1856 - 1886
................................... +Matthew Finley 1856 -
........................................... 5 Matthew B. Finley 1886 -
............................... 4 Charles Calvert Carlin 1858 -
................................... +Anna (Annie) Owen 1860 - 1930
........................................... 5 Maysel Carlin 1880 - 1950
............................................... +Ralph Short 1878 - 1945
............................... 4 Florence Viola Carlin 1863 - 1965
................................... +Alfred (Boeshenz) Bashen 1864 - 1945
........................................... 5 Viola Myrtle Bashen 1886 - 1971
............................................... +William Lee Sharrow 1885 - 1970
............................... 4 Edmund Pierce Carlin 1858 -
................................... +Emma Nevins
........................................... 5 Ida May #2 Carlin 1888 -
............................................... +Roy Morton 1888 -
........................................... 5 Leta Carlin - 1923
............................................... +George Fletcher
............................... *2nd Wife of Edmund Pierce Carlin:
................................... +Luella Stratton
............................... 4 Anna (Annie) Lillie Carlin 1872 - 1974
................................... +Edward Keller 1868 - 1951
........................................... 5 Roy Keller 1907 - 1984
............................................... +Clara Lemkow 1913 -
........................................... 5 Norma Gertrude Keller 1901 -
............................................... +Howard Warren Bartholomew 1898 - 1987
........................................... 5 Gladys Keller 1896 - June
............................................... +Ernest Price
........................................... *2nd Husband of Gladys Keller:
............................................... +Spouse #2 of Gladys Keller
............................... 4 Albert Nealy Carlin 1872 - 1959
................................... +Adelle Maddox 1884 - 1977
........................................... 5 Alberta Belle Carlin 1912 -
............................................... +Albert William Wolff 1915 -
........................................... 5 Ruth Garvene Carlin 1916 - 1987
............................................... +William G. Clarkson
............................... *2nd Wife of Albert Nealy Carlin:
................................... +Wife #1 of A. N. Carlin
........................................... 5 Irene Carlin 1910 -
......... 2 Thomas Hardesty 1808 -
Shani - 07/17/99 22:14:34
My URL:/~gypsyshani
My Email:gypsyshani@yahoo.com
Earliest Hardesty: um none
What information do you need?: Just wanted to stop in and say hello!
Keep up the fantastic work!
I really enjoyed my visit to your page.
Michael S. Hardesty - 07/16/99 01:49:28
My Email:ssamm@bright.net
Earliest Hardesty: william Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire ENGLAND
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Maryland Virginia Penn. Ohio
Who do you need information for?: myself
What information do you need?: ancesters of william hardesty
Associated Surnames: Hardwolf Hardolfsty
We have successfully traced our history back to Yorkshire, England, to the year 1575. We are looking for ancestors of William Hardesty.
Jackie Hardester Marble - 07/08/99 00:00:59
My Email:marble.1@osu.edu
Who do you need information for?: Any Hardester
Associated Surnames: Hardester
Born in California
Simon Hardesty - 07/06/99 05:17:59
My Email:vryce13235@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Nicholas Francis Hardesty
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: NC
Who do you need information for?: Background
What information do you need?: Heritage/Origins
Carol Foster - 07/03/99 20:30:59
My Email:cfoster@eden.com
Earliest Hardesty: George Hardisty 1600s
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Calvert Co., MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Fayette & Shelby Co.s, KY
Who do you need information for?: Personal genealogy
What information do you need?: Details and Sources
Nancy Hardesty b 1807 to Henry Hardesty and Sally Dykes. She married William Hedges 1826 Fayette Co., KY. Children: Charles Henry, Benjamin Thomas, and James William born in Shelby Co., KY.
Dawn Slaughter Wynn - 07/01/99 00:32:41
My Email:bhmwynns@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: William Hardesty
Who do you need information for?: Myself
Associated Surnames: Slaughter
How can I add to the lines? I found this link while researching my great-grandmother, Cora Headley. Her daughter Jessie Headley wasvmarried to Harold Slaughter, son Edward Slaughter who is on your tree. I'm guessing you must already have this info or
wouldn't have found the link. I'd appreciate more info on how to trace through your tree. Thank you! Dawn
Mary Phelan - 06/24/99 14:45:21
My Email:terry_mary@imail.modempool.com
Associated Surnames: Chaney
You have the neatest sight that I have seen.
william franklin hardesty - 06/17/99 08:52:38
My Email:manateeselect@webtv.net
Earliest Hardesty: franklin reese hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: delaware
Who do you need information for?: me
What information do you need?: general knowledge
my uncle worked on the tree and even though he's gone, his kids have a some info i've never seen. I hope to get with them and copy that stuff.
j. arnold - 06/15/99 11:59:12
My Email:sublime@starfishnet.com
Earliest Hardesty: Thomas Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Carteret Co.NC
Who do you need information for?: genealogy purposes
What information do you need?: Thomas Hardesty's origins and parents
Associated Surnames: Chadwick, Merrill, White, Jones, Wallsee
It appears that there may be some connection with the Hardesty's listed here before they came to Carteret County, NC via Thomas Hardesty whose wife was named Dorther (Unk). I really like this page. Good Work. J.
David W. Hardesty - 06/10/99 11:29:16
My Email:hardesty@net66.com
Earliest Hardesty: Robert Hardisty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Shelby Ohio
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: IL,IN,Penn.
Who do you need information for?: Robert Hardisty
Connie Giltner - 06/06/99 05:54:58
My Email:giltner@integrityonline.com
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire, England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Maryland, Coshocton, Ohio, Ill.
Who do you need information for?: For Family tree
What information do you need?: Allen and Ida May's birth, death and marriage, dates and records
Connie Giltner - 06/06/99 05:54:53
My Email:giltner@integrityonline.com
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire, England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Maryland, Coshocton, Ohio, Ill.
Who do you need information for?: For Family tree
What information do you need?: Allen and Ida May's birth, death and marriage, dates and records
Connie Giltner - 06/06/99 05:54:48
My Email:giltner@integrityonline.com
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire, England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Maryland, Coshocton, Ohio, Ill.
Who do you need information for?: For Family tree
What information do you need?: Allen and Ida May's birth, death and marriage, dates and records
Connie Giltner - 06/06/99 05:44:55
My Email:giltner@integrityonline.com
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire, England
Who do you need information for?: Allen and Ida May Hardesty
What information do you need?: birth, marriage, death dates.
I haven't been looking for very long and have pretty good luck up till I got to Allen Hardesty. My grandfather was Harry Hardesty, whose father was Allen, then John, Edmund, Robert, Francis, Thomas, Arthur and William. My sister and I are trying to come u
with a detailed Familytree for our parents for Christmas this year. If anyone can help with information on any or all of these ancestors, I would appreciate it, and if I could help anyone else. Don't hesitate to e-mail me. Thank Connie
Connie Giltner - 06/06/99 05:44:47
My Email:giltner@integrityonline.com
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire, England
Who do you need information for?: Allen and Ida May Hardesty
What information do you need?: birth, marriage, death dates.
I haven't been looking for very long and have pretty good luck up till I got to Allen Hardesty. My grandfather was Harry Hardesty, whose father was Allen, then John, Edmund, Robert, Francis, Thomas, Arthur and William. My sister and I are trying to come u
with a detailed Familytree for our parents for Christmas this year. If anyone can help with information on any or all of these ancestors, I would appreciate it, and if I could help anyone else. Don't hesitate to e-mail me. Thank Connie
Connie Giltner - 06/06/99 05:44:37
My Email:giltner@integrityonline.com
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire, England
Who do you need information for?: Allen and Ida May Hardesty
What information do you need?: birth, marriage, death dates.
I haven't been looking for very long and have pretty good luck up till I got to Allen Hardesty. My grandfather was Harry Hardesty, whose father was Allen, then John, Edmund, Robert, Francis, Thomas, Arthur and William. My sister and I are trying to come u
with a detailed Familytree for our parents for Christmas this year. If anyone can help with information on any or all of these ancestors, I would appreciate it, and if I could help anyone else. Don't hesitate to e-mail me. Thank Connie
Connie Giltner - 06/06/99 05:44:19
My Email:giltner@integrityonline.com
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire, England
Who do you need information for?: Allen and Ida May Hardesty
What information do you need?: birth, marriage, death dates.
I haven't been looking for very long and have pretty good luck up till I got to Allen Hardesty. My grandfather was Harry Hardesty, whose father was Allen, then John, Edmund, Robert, Francis, Thomas, Arthur and William. My sister and I are trying to come u
with a detailed Familytree for our parents for Christmas this year. If anyone can help with information on any or all of these ancestors, I would appreciate it, and if I could help anyone else. Don't hesitate to e-mail me. Thank Connie
Alberta Hardesty Johnston - 06/01/99 16:17:35
My Email:ralpho@erols.com
Earliest Hardesty: Richard Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Clarke Co., VA
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Calvert Co., MD
Who do you need information for?: Richard Hardesty's father & mother
What information do you need?: Names, where born, etc.
Associated Surnames: Carter, Pierce
Richard Hardesty was born in Calvert Co., MD in 1770. He moved to Jefferson Co., VA in 1790, married twice to Sarah Smith, then Sarah Pierce. He had twenty children. His father's name, as I understand, was Richard, mother, Mary. That's all I know abou
his parents and have lost the line there.
Alberta Hardesty Johnston - 06/01/99 16:17:29
My Email:ralpho@erols.com
Earliest Hardesty: Richard Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Clarke Co., VA
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Calvert Co., MD
Who do you need information for?: Richard Hardesty's father & mother
What information do you need?: Names, where born, etc.
Associated Surnames: Carter, Pierce
Richard Hardesty was born in Calvert Co., MD in 1770. He moved to Jefferson Co., VA in 1790, married twice to Sarah Smith, then Sarah Pierce. He had twenty children. His father's name, as I understand, was Richard, mother, Mary. That's all I know abou
his parents and have lost the line there.
Alberta Hardesty Johnston - 06/01/99 16:17:11
My Email:ralpho@erols.com
Earliest Hardesty: Richard Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Clarke Co., VA
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Calvert Co., MD
Who do you need information for?: Richard Hardesty's father & mother
What information do you need?: Names, where born, etc.
Associated Surnames: Carter, Pierce
Richard Hardesty was born in Calvert Co., MD in 1770. He moved to Jefferson Co., VA in 1790, married twice to Sarah Smith, then Sarah Pierce. He had twenty children. His father's name, as I understand, was Richard, mother, Mary. That's all I know abou
his parents and have lost the line there.
Alberta Hardesty Johnston - 06/01/99 16:16:16
My Email:ralpho@erols.com
Earliest Hardesty: Richard Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Clarke Co., VA
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Calvert Co., MD
Who do you need information for?: Richard Hardesty's father & mother
What information do you need?: Names, where born, etc.
Associated Surnames: Carter, Pierce
Richard Hardesty was born in Calvert Co., MD in 1770. He moved to Jefferson Co., VA in 1790, married twice to Sarah Smith, then Sarah Pierce. He had twenty children. His father's name, as I understand, was Richard, mother, Mary. That's all I know abou
his parents and have lost the line there.
white - 06/01/99 03:41:20
My Email:jwhite
Earliest Hardesty: john wellon hardesty--james Hardesty--etc....
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Kentucky
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Arkansas
What information do you need?: Any data on Mary Cornelia (Avis) Hardesty
Associated Surnames: Avis
Does anyone have family data on Mary Cornelia Avis the wife of Thomas Lafayette Hardesty? He died in the 1930s and she in the 1950s. They lived just outside Blytheville, AR at a place identified as 40 & 8 (the rural route). Mary Cornelia Avis was known
as Aunt Neal to many. Any info will be appreciated.
Brad Hardesty - 05/13/99 03:40:11
My Email:hardesty@bnin.net
Earliest Hardesty: Charles Russell Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Brownsburg, IN
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Marshall, IL
Who do you need information for?: Tracing my dad's family
What information do you need?: links to my branch of the Hardestys
Brad Hardesty - 05/13/99 03:39:13
My Email:hardesty@bnin.net
Earliest Hardesty: Charles Russell Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Brwnsburg, IN
Ellen Hardesty Bolen - 05/04/99 03:52:29
My Email:Ellnbol
Earliest Hardesty: William Henry Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: IN, KS
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: OH, AZ, CA
What information do you need?: John Hardesty
Associated Surnames: Doud, Mullice, Suther
Your site is great. I appreciate all the work you have done. I am hoping to make some connection with other Hardesty's in our family. Not much luck so far.
Ronetta Hardesty - 05/01/99 08:27:00
My Email:cosmic@dialnet.net
Earliest Hardesty: William Henry Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: unknown
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Illinois, Ca, MO
Who do you need information for?: personal and to share with family
What information do you need?: any relevant
William Henry Hardesty married to Jane Collins,
children Ira William Hardesty who married Lulu Bell Roy.
Ira and Lulu had a child named Harry F. Hardesty born ? and married on 2 July 1941 to Fern Kathryn Cazel.
Fern and Harry are my grandparents
Fern and Harry had 3 boys.
Donald G. Hardesty
Ronald W. Hardesty (my dad) born 28jan1945
Harry F. Hardesty Jr.
I can be more specific about the recent stuff, like about Fern and Harry but I don't know anything about from William Henry Hardesty and before.
If any of these people sound familiar to you please email me
Ronetta Hardesty
Allison Hardesty - 04/28/99 15:21:24
My Email:ash1127@mail.ecu.edu
Location of Earliest Hardesty: North Carolina
I am from North Carolina. There are quite a few Hardesty's here. My family has lived here for a very long time. I believe we are desended from Hardesty's that came from England to Maryland and then to North Carolina in the early 1800's. I thought this mig
t be of interest to you because you had no listed Hardesty's in North Carolina.
Bryan Hardesty - 04/28/99 04:24:43
My URL:http://www.athenet.com
My Email:kordell_10_7
Earliest Hardesty: Charles Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: WI
Im a Hardesty in Little Chute, Wi.
Duane Biever - 04/27/99 14:25:47
My Email:duaneb@vh.net
Earliest Hardesty: None
I am not a relative, but only found your listing interesting. I am originally from Alton, Iowa, and many of the names you mention in the IAGENWEB have a familiar ring. I haven't lived in Alton for over 30 years.
Congratulations on your web-site. It's a really fine effort.
Richard Hardesty - 04/12/99 02:06:16
My Email:hardesty@groucho.bsn.usf.edu
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Penna, NC, Illinois, Iowa
Who do you need information for?: Personal curiousity
What information do you need?: Verify lineage, and missing a big chunk of Jesse, b. 1853
Associated Surnames: Cross, Seigler, Morley, et al
I'm glad I finally found a connection. I've found cousins in Texas and New Zealand!! I decided to finish what my father started with the Hardesty name...and I wanted to know the genesis of the name. My family was in Hamilton County, Illinois for three gen
rations, and then moved to Iowa. We surely are all over the world now!! I would like to hear from anyone that is in this line.
Hal Tilton - 03/28/99 18:41:44
My Email:H.Tilton@worldnet.att.net
Earliest Hardesty: Edmund Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Anne Arundel Co., Maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ogle Co., Illinois
Who do you need information for?: Amy Hardesty
What information do you need?: Amy' Children
Associated Surnames: Tilton, Spencer Lake
I would like to know where to get an up dated version of the Hardesty Genealogy. Mine is dated 1766 to 1969.
Hal Tilton - 03/28/99 18:34:53
My Email:H.Tilton@worldnet.att.net
Earliest Hardesty: Edmond Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Anne Arundel Co., Maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ogle Co., Illinois
Who do you need information for?: Amy Hardest
What information do you need?: Children
Associated Surnames: Tilton
I would like to known where to get an updated version of the HArdesty Genealogy. The one I have is dated 1766 to 1969.
Susan Hardesty - 03/19/99 01:52:48
My Email:toohick82@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: unsure of names
Location of Earliest Hardesty: South Dakota
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: MT? Ill
Who do you need information for?: myself
What information do you need?: anything
Associated Surnames: unknown
My Father's name is Louis R. Hardesty Born Lemmon, SD 1929
His sister was Alice (Young, 2nd marriage)
Possible brother named Jewell.
I know very little about Dad's family--have been looking for any connections!!
Willard B. "Will" Hardesty - 03/18/99 04:18:40
My Email:wbhpc@earthlink.net
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: E. Kansas, W. Missouri
Who do you need information for?: Adding to my research, figuring out where I fit into the big Hardesty picture
What information do you need?: Links between my line and others
Associated Surnames: Calvert
This site amazes me--and inspires me to get to work with Family Tree Maker right away. I don't have anything which can go on the Internet yet, but I can see I should be working harder on this project. Would love to hook up with any other Hardestys deriv
ng from around Weston, MO. Common family first names are Willard, Carlton, Eliazer, George, Medford. Would be happy to connect with anyone who thinks we are related. Would be happy to share what I know with others.
Richard Hardesty - 03/18/99 03:34:24
My Email:hardesty@groucho.bsn.usf.edu
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Fewston, UK
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Illinois
Who do you need information for?: Frank b. 1890, and Ida b. 1892
What information do you need?: death, marriage info
Associated Surnames: Cross, Crofs, Crofts
Always looking, searching, etc..have made some terrific contacts via internet. Found a cousin in New Zealand!!
Jimmie Houser - 03/07/99 18:05:30
My Email:Hou51ugg@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: 1890s
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Indiana and Maryland
Who do you need information for?: genealogy
What information do you need?: names of siblings
My great-grandfather Charles Richard HARDESTY came to Randolph County, Indiana in 1890s. He married Samantha Arrena MOORE April, 21 1897. Charles Hardesty was a glass blower by trade and was said that he traveled a lot, it was recorded that Charles was fr
m Baltimore, Maryland. Samanta his wife was born April 21, 1897, they had to children Lee and James Hardesty. It is a mystery about what happened to him, he didn't raise his children. Not sure how old he was, but his wife Samantha was born Feb. 8, 1860. A
y information woulld greatly be apprecaited.
Thanks, Jim
Larry Hardesty - 03/05/99 05:08:49
My Email:lhardesty@austinc.edu
Earliest Hardesty: William Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Kentucky
Who do you need information for?: Tracing my Hardesty Line
What information do you need?: William Hardesty Parents
Associated Surnames: Buckman, Green, Bohrer
My Hardesty line goes back to Kentucky, and probably to Maryland, but I cannot make the connection. William Hardesty died ahout 1830 and left a widow and two children. His wife was a Buckman. One of the children was George Thomas Hardesty (my grandfath
r), and he died in 1894 and is buried in the St. Stephen's cemetery in Indian Creek, Monroe County, Missouri.
Jane Rhyne - 02/21/99 20:16:55
My Email:liljane@southwind.net
Earliest Hardesty: Marthena Hard Bruner
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Kentucky
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Fulton County, Illinois
Who do you need information for?: Me
My URL:http://SUSANJE@flashnet.com
My Email:susanjef@flashnet.com
Earliest Hardesty: obediah Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: KY
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: ohio
Who do you need information for?: Warren Haddock Hardesty
What information do you need?: WarrenHaddock Hardesty
Associated Surnames: Warren Haddock
Looking for Warren Haddocks brothers and sisters, I'm his greantgrand daughter-- Susan Reed Hardesty Hardesty. My fatherr was Richard Haddock Hardesty 1916-1989
Joan Hardesty Gibson - 02/20/99 20:19:54
My Email:Gibson@chesapeake.net
Earliest Hardesty: Joseph Hardesty, born circa 1813
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Calvert Co., MD
Who do you need information for?: Joseph (above)
What information do you need?: Does he link to 1650's George of Calvert?
Associated Surnames: Harrison, Prout
Born and living in Calvert Co., MD. Father, grandfathers born in Calvert. We've traced our Hardesty branch only as far back as Joseph Hardesty, c.1813. There was a courthouse fire in Calvert in 1882, which is the reason we haven't established the link
etween Joseph and the George who is said to have arrived here in 1652.
As recorded in Lord Baltimore's rent rolls, a land survey conducted on May 19, 1663 showed a George Hardesty as having a 550-acre tract called Hardesty's Choice. A town called Lower Marlboro was established there in 1706. George's gravesite is the
oldest in Lower Marlboro's cemetery.
This website is fascinating. Perhaps it's only a matter of time before we all find out where we're from.
Joan Hardesty Gibson - 02/20/99 19:12:21
My Email:jgibson@imf.org
Earliest Hardesty: James Wm Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Calvert Co., Mc.
Who do you need information for?: James (above)
What information do you need?: Does he link to George Hardesty of Calvert?
Hal Hardiesty - 02/16/99 19:04:42
My Email:halnan@bright.net
Earliest Hardesty: William Hardiesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Philadelphia, PA
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Trenton, NJ and Columbus, OH
Who do you need information for?: all ancesters
What information do you need?: family linage
still searching for anyone out there with the last
name of HARDIESTY. Not too many of us, but would appreciate anything available.
Daniel M. Gwin - 02/11/99 06:07:10
My Email:dangwin921@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Nancy Hardesty b. c. 1782
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Monongalia Co., VA (now WV)
Who do you need information for?: Sources to prove relationship to Elijah Hardesty b. c. 1753
What information do you need?: Proof of relationship/Bible record/Probate record etc.
Associated Surnames: MORRIS; SHENKEL
Richard Allen Hardesty - 02/07/99 21:16:06
My Email:hardesty@groucho.bsn.usf.edu
Earliest Hardesty: Jesse
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Hamilton, Illinois
Who do you need information for?: Satisfy curiosity
What information do you need?: Jesse was b 1808, but unk
Associated Surnames: Crofs, Cross, Sigler
Jesse begat Christopher 'Kit' Hardesty in 1834; his sone was also named Jesse and is my gggrandfather. His son Isaac married Iva Mae Cross in Broughton, Illinois. They moved to Cedar Rapids, Iowa where my family presently lives
Jo Ann Cummins - 02/07/99 15:57:30
My Email:cummins@sbinet.com
Earliest Hardesty: John Thomas Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Fayette Co., Pa
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Indiana
Who do you need information for?: John Thomas
What information do you need?: parents names
Associated Surnames: Kline
Wish to confirm that Fayette Co., Pa was the birthplace of John Thomas Hardesty (12 Sept. 1820). Also desire names of his parents.
Gene Wright - 02/06/99 21:59:12
My Email:perwri@gte.net
Earliest Hardesty: William T. Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Trumbull County Ohio
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Mercer Co. Pa.
Who do you need information for?: Fill in Family Tree
What information do you need?: Anything
Associated Surnames: Overmoyer Combs Kenedy
We have seen the family Bible and would like to fill in the blanks.
Guy Hardesty - 02/03/99 16:36:33
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire, England
This is where it all started form in the UK. See HARDESTY HILL & HARDESTY HALL near Leeds. We have now spread west it seems!
- 02/03/99 16:16:19
Janice - 01/31/99 19:06:35
My Email:LabLadyOne@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Elijah - (1753-1847)
Location of Earliest Hardesty: VA and OH
Who do you need information for?: Elijah's wife, Sarah Wells
What information do you need?: verification of new info
Associated Surnames: Morris; Wells
I am a descendant of Elijah Hardesty (1753-1847) through his daughter, Nancy Hardesty Morris. I have found a wealth of information about Elijah's ancestors on your Web-page! More than I ever hoped to find, actually. Now I want to verify that the inform
tion ia actually about MY Elijah!
Do you have sources for the pre-1750 data?
Janice in Michigan
Mendy Wofford - 01/18/99 02:03:55
My Email:mendylou@juno.com
Earliest Hardesty: Elijah Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Ohio
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: PA, VA, OH
Who do you need information for?: Elijah Hardesty
What information do you need?: Any
Associated Surnames: Bucklew, Wilson, Foor, Welshans
Dennis Staples - 01/16/99 15:50:36
My Email:DLMC7172@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Thomas Hardesty,b.1806,d.1859
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Meade County, Ky.
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Illinois, Nebraska
Who do you need information for?: From Thomas Hardesty back
What information do you need?: Any
Associated Surnames: Fackler
I would like to get any information that I can on the Hardesty family from Thomas Hardesty, b. 1807, d. 1859 back. I know that they originated from Maryland, but that is about it. Also any stories,fact or myth and any copies of any documents etc.
- 01/16/99 00:55:58
Kim Tinkham - 01/15/99 03:50:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/Hardesty
My Email:Tistat@yahoo.com
Earliest Hardesty: Francis
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Pennsylvania
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Indiana
Who do you need information for?: A friend
What information do you need?: any
Associated Surnames: Beanblossum,Hirves,Barrand,Amsden
Francis was born Oct 1789, died Oct 1869 in Noble co. He married Elizabeth??. They had Hendrick, Lewis,Mary,Alexander. Hendrick married Mary Ann Beanblossum.They had 3 children,my gr father one of them Charles F.Born July 1868 and married Jeanette Amsden<
Michelle Lennox - 01/13/99 04:06:06
My Email:cmlenn@home.com
Earliest Hardesty: Richard Hardisty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: england
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ontario Edmonton
Who do you need information for?: Richard Hardisty came from England to Canada married Margarite Sutherland any info on family line before him in England
Associated Surnames: smith,
know that richard Hardisty is father of senator Richard Hardisty of edmonton alberta family well
known furtraders need info on family before first
richard who came to Canada
Mark Hardesty - 01/12/99 15:47:25
My Email:mark_hardesty@bigfoot.com
Earliest Hardesty: William Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Maryland
What information do you need?: more information on Hardesty line
I found some useful information, which I need to confirm agrees or disagrees with what I found so far.
Broxie Hardesty - 01/04/99 19:46:28
My Email:broxie@ipa.net
Earliest Hardesty: Albert Hardesty 1950??
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Louisana
I'm just interested in the Hardesty Histroy.
Ann Bell - 01/02/99 19:59:59
My Email:anni@tinkerbell53.freeserve.co.uk
Earliest Hardesty: John James
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Skipton, Yorkshire, England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: North of England
Who do you need information for?: Locate Elsestay Spearman
What information do you need?: Anything & everything
Associated Surnames: Bell, Brewis, Woodward, Wolfenden
Any info gratefully received. John James was a Blacksmith in Skipton in 1911 but cannot trace his birth. My grandmother was Elsestay Hardisty. An unusual name but difficult to trace.
clarke griffin - 12/27/98 21:50:03
My Email:grifclarke@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: william hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: maryland
Lee Hardisty - 12/14/98 00:23:33
My Email:Gizmo5867@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: William Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire,England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Maryland, Kentucky, Washington,Idaho
Who do you need information for?: The Hardisty Wives
What information do you need?: birthdates and parents
Associated Surnames: Hardesty-Windsor-Franks-Linville-Logan-Hungate-Newell-Fowler-Linthicum
I can't believe how much info I got from your site and I just think its wonderful. If anyone have ancestor connections with me and have info and/or photos to share, please e-mail me. Thank you all so very much. Aloha, Lee
Stanley A. Hardesty - 12/10/98 07:50:29
My Email:hardesty@bellatlantic.net
Earliest Hardesty: William Hardesty-Elizabeth Lyles
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Anne Arundel Co., Maryland
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Pa., Ohio
Who do you need information for?: William or his wife Elizabeth Lyles
What information do you need?: Any available
Associated Surnames: Turner, Gibson, Catterton, Lyles, Ogden, Elliott,Paterson,Perry
I have been told by family members that our branch of the Hardesty's imigrated from Scotland and were of Scott-Irish descent. I also know that the bulk of my family is in Ohio and Pennsylvania.I need any information about William of his wife Elizabeth Lyl
s. They had a son William Emory Hardesty born in 1847 and who resided in Anne Arundel County Maryland from at least 1878. He may have possibly been born in Maryland but I am not sure.
Anthony Dunn (Harris) - 11/28/98 19:58:50
My Email:cerysba@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: victoria l. hardesty
Who do you need information for?: birth mother v. l. hardesty
What information do you need?: where?
I was born 5-5-68 to Victoria Lynn Hardesty in La Jolla California. I am searching for my birth mother. I was adopted by Karol and Anthony Harris--if you have any information--please e-mail me at Cerysba@aol.com Thank you
Denver Louis Hardesty Jr. - 11/27/98 16:07:42
My Email:darh@piasanet.com
Earliest Hardesty: John Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Coshocton Co. Ohio
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Fountian Co. Ind & Keokuk Co. Iowa
Who do you need information for?: John Hardesty& Mary F. Hutton
What information do you need?: Birth, Death,Marriage, Children
Associated Surnames: Mefford, Pistole, Pyrant,
I am researching my Fathers family, particulurly my Great Great Grandfathers mother and father.They came from Ohio and settled in Keokuk Co. Iowa in the 1830s or 1840s. I have a record of his fathers being named John Hardesty and his mother being named Ma
y F. Hutton. His father died shortly after arriving in Iowa. His mother then married a man named Stephan Fowler in Keokuk Co. Iowa
Dennis Hardesty - 11/27/98 02:06:01
My Email:Niterdr45@aol.com
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Kentucky
Who do you need information for?: myself
val walker - 11/23/98 06:09:46
My Email:vwalker1@aracnet.net
Earliest Hardesty: david hardisty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Northern Ontario/Quebec
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: possibly Northern Manitoba
Who do you need information for?: david/anna or emily hardisty
What information do you need?: surname of his wife Anna of Abitibi, Quebec
Associated Surnames: goodwin, mcleod
David Hardisty, son of Isaac and Rebecca, was my great grandfather who marr Anna (surname: David Cheena or Deborgina - surname and spelling uncertain) of Abitibi, Quebec in 1880's(?). Anna--possible native heritage. David/Anna had 6 children which incl my
grandmother, Emily who married a MacLeod. Emily died early 1920's, Northern Quebec. Emily's 5th child is my mother. Wish to trace back to David/Anna or Emily's background to find cousins and discover roots/heritage. If any of this sounds familiar, email m
to see if we share a commn denominator...would be glad to hear from you!
Allison Hardesty - 11/19/98 04:22:10
Earliest Hardesty: Addie Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Mill Creek, NC
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Beaufort, NC
Jim Worley - 11/18/98 07:58:44
My Email:Jworley@aalas.org
Earliest Hardesty: Nancy Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Texas
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Mo/TN
Who do you need information for?: Nancy Hardesty
What information do you need?: Marriage to Orlando Baker
Associated Surnames: Baker/Merriman/Worley
I'm looking for any information on Nancy Hardesty b abt 1865 and married Orlando Baker. Indications are they lived in Texas. They had four girls: Ruth, Beth, Minnetta, and Nola. Nola met Lee Merriman on the trail to Missouri where they settled and had s
ven children: Kenneth, Max, Lorraine, Opal, Nancy, Jackie and Charles. Ruth, as far as I can tell, never left Texas.
Jane Rhyne - 11/16/98 15:30:16
My Email:liljane@southwind.net
Earliest Hardesty: Marthena hardestyKentucky
Jimmy Ford - 11/14/98 04:05:59
My Email:jimcade@flash.net
Earliest Hardesty: Frances Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Lawrence Co, Ms.
Who do you need information for?: Ford Family Tree
What information do you need?: Hannah Cannon
Associated Surnames: Valentine Ford
I was very happen to trip into your site. I have never been able to prove a relationship with Hannah and Valentione until now. I show Jesse Cannon as a Civel War hero and registered in the Daughters of Revolution
nancy hardesty - 11/11/98 03:02:18
My Email:hrdsty@netnitco.net
Earliest Hardesty: clyde e hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: NW Indiana
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: unknown
Who do you need information for?: my husband Robert
What information do you need?: any
Associated Surnames: mother's surname: Perry
I am new to genealogy. Trying to get my feet wet.
Any information would be appreciated.
nancy Hardesty - 11/11/98 02:36:26
My Email:hrdsty@netnitco.net
I'm a novice...just getting my feet wet. I don't have any info yet on the Hardesty's.
David Wedel - 11/08/98 19:26:09
My Email:DW1953@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: James Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Iowa
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ks.Iw.
Who do you need information for?: Elizabeth J Hardesty
What information do you need?: Pictures
Associated Surnames: Rodgers.Chase,
Hi Elizabeth Jane Hardesty and William Orrin Rodgers were My GGGrandparents..Im looking to Chat with as many Hardesty descendants as I can. Im looking for as many Old family Photos as I can find. I do have several Photos of the children from this Marr
age I would love to trade And talk to anyone who has any knowlege, About the the first Marriage of Elizabeth Jane Hardesty...Looking forward to hearing from everyone
Gene Wright - 10/31/98 04:15:54
My Email:perwri@gte.net
Earliest Hardesty: William T. Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Trumbull Co. Ohio
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Mercer Co. Pa.
Who do you need information for?: Myself
What information do you need?: Parrents / Date of Birth
Associated Surnames: Mc Combs /Wife
Per Bible Marriage date August 28 1818
Gene Wright - 10/31/98 04:15:35
My Email:perwri@gte.net
Earliest Hardesty: William T. Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Trumbull Co. Ohio
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Mercer Co. Pa.
Who do you need information for?: Myself
What information do you need?: Parrents / Date of Birth
Associated Surnames: Mc Combs /Wife
Per Bible Marriage date August 28 1818
Maureen Crammer - 10/27/98 07:18:47
My Email:Mcrammer@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Lucinda b. 1822
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Muskingum Co. Ohio
What information do you need?: any & all ancestors
Associated Surnames: Gorrell
I'm trying to find ancestors of Lucinda Hardesty b. 1822 whose parents kept a general store in Muskingum Co. Ohio around that time. Parents possibly an Abraham and Elizabeth Hardesty; they are buried in same cemetery. Lucinda had a brother John; she marri
d Parker Gorrell, John married Parker's sister Sarah. Hope to find a link somewhere!
carol - 10/25/98 18:11:45
My Email:jean@tgtel.com
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: 1575
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: indiana
Associated Surnames: Whitworth
Hi cousin
Richard L. Hardesty - 10/25/98 02:41:27
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~RLHardesty/Index.htm
My Email:papabear@ptinet.net
I have a link to your site on the main Hardesty page at my site. Stop by and check it out when you can!
Tom Towles - 10/23/98 03:08:01
My Email:jgtowles@email.msn.com
Earliest Hardesty: Henry Hardesty-1765
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Bourbon Co, KY
Who do you need information for?: Henry's family
Charles W. Bright - 10/18/98 14:59:43
My Email:cwbene@willinet.net
Earliest Hardesty: Charles Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Baltimore, Md.
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ky. Il. Mo. Id. Or.
Who do you need information for?: more Hardesty info
What information do you need?: Parents of Charles Hardesty/Hardisty and where he came from
Associated Surnames: Fowler, Hungate, Ward, Lefler, Seybold
I like the page very much, I wished u had this thirty years ago and all these people knew about it. I wished i was quicker to learn the new wave of computer genealogy. Lets all work togeather and find our missing links and solve our Hardisty/Hardesty my
Gene Wright - 10/18/98 01:13:49
My Email:perwri@gte.net
Earliest Hardesty: William T Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Pa.& Ohio
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Trumbull Co.Ohio
Who do you need information for?: William T Hardesty
What information do you need?: Anything
Associated Surnames: Overmoyer
Michelle Cofrancesco - 10/13/98 16:14:29
My Email:dowelfam@pacifier.com
This site is wonderful. I have enjoyed going through the pages.Decendant of Vernon Hardesty
10/04/98 12:03:44
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Bill Puckett - 09/24/98 22:42:16
My Email:bpuckett@searchlinejobs.com
Earliest Hardesty: Marion Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Rockville, Indiana
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: All Indiana
Who do you need information for?: My Mother was a Hardesty
What information do you need?: Any connection to Marion Hardesty or his son Burl Hardesty (my grandfather) who was borned about 1897 and died in 1949. He has two sons James and Robert and two girls Emmy and Josephine.
Associated Surnames: Wigley, Puckett, Barker
If anyone can connect the Hardesty's in SW Indiana to my grandfather or greatgrandfather I would be obliged. Burl had a brother John and three sisters Flossie, Eurla and Margaret.
Muriel Hardisty - 09/24/98 00:52:58
My Email:Gizmo5867@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: William Hardisty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: clackamus, oregon
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Washington and Idaho
Who do you need information for?: my family genealogy
What information do you need?: more links
Associated Surnames: don't know
I am researching my husband's family lineage. He doesn't know the Hardisty side at all. His parents divorced when he was 3yrs and he has never been in contact with the Hardisty family.
David E Hardisty - 09/21/98 07:17:08
My Email:wuhtevr@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Obediah Hardesty
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Corning, Iowa
Thanks you for all the good information on the HARDISTY and other various spellings. I am a Hardisty and have always been curious of my lineage.
David Sterling Hardesty - 09/05/98 03:40:01
My Email:dhardes1@san,rr,com
Earliest Hardesty: alowysis Hardesty
Kara's Dynamic Sex - 08/13/98 23:15:08
My URL:http://www.dynamicsex.com/
Howdy. I guess I might have visited your site on accident, but I noticed you have a guestbook, so I thought I would sign it. What visitor number am I? When you get a chance, visit my site - and tell all your friends to visit!
Denise Prucey - 08/01/98 02:48:56
My Email:dlprucey@otn.net
Earliest Hardesty: William Thomas Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Truumbull Co., OH
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Mercer Co, PA
Who do you need information for?: His father and beyond
What information do you need?: anything along his paternal line
Associated Surnames: Bean, Kennedy, Overmoyer, Thompson
Thanks so much for this site! I'm new to this so anything would be helpful! Thanks! Denise
janet tinnin - 07/27/98 20:45:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/9814
My Email:jstcnttame@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: James Hardesty
hi gwen, just wanted to let you know that i've linked my homepage to your's. met a new hardesty cousin. he's my greatgrandfathers brothers greatgrandson (my 3rd cousin once removed). we are still trying to find James Hardesty's father and mother. it's
the pits. anyway stop by and see me. oh and i changed isp's as you can tell from my address. later, janet
Donald F. Hardesty - 07/02/98 12:37:12
My Email:clickit@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: George
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Calvert Co., MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ky, In.
I have copies of wills and a partial journal of Hardestys from Md. and from the trek into Kentucky. I also have a very short family history written by my great grandfathers brother. If anyone is interested i will be happy to share the information. It may
take me a while as this is a very busy time with my business but i will do what i can.................don
Teresa A. Hardisty - 06/29/98 23:17:10
My Email:hardisty@illuminet.net
Earliest Hardesty: England
Location of Earliest Hardesty: England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Montreal CA, PA,OH,VT
Who do you need information for?: Myself
What information do you need?: Looking for Henry Hardisty who married Susana Ellis both born in England.
I am trying so hard to locate the city in England my Hardisty's are from. I assume they came over in the mid 1830s. They lived in Montreal for about 40 some years, later moving to Cincinnati OH. I found pictures taken in Pittsburg PA, and a record of a
grand childs marriage in VT. William Hardisty lived in KY and later moved to FL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Having trouble getting response back from CANADIAN archives.
Jeannine - 06/28/98 03:50:30
My Email:Gmaneen@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Charles Hardisty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: KY,IL,MO,OK
Who do you need information for?: Charles father
Associated Surnames: Charter, Mackey,Ward
A great site, you have done a good job for anyone researching the Hardesty line. I have another line of Hardesty that doesn't connect to this line.
Hal Hardiesty - 06/09/98 22:47:46
My Email:halnan@bright.net
Earliest Hardesty: William H. Hardiesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Philadelphia, PA / Trenton, NJ
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Columbus, OH
Who do you need information for?: family history, note the spelling
What information do you need?: any and all
Associated Surnames: Hardiesty
any information available on Hardiesty would be appreciated. We know in Philadelphia, PA and Trenton, NJ and Columbus, OH Would like to know anything available.
Richard L. Hardesty - 06/05/98 16:44:36
My URL:http://abebooks.com/home/RISWOLF
My Email:papabear@ptinet.net
Earliest Hardesty: James Hardesty, 1817/19
Location of Earliest Hardesty: b. OH, d. IA
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: IA, KS, NE, WY, CO, MT
Who do you need information for?: the said James
What information do you need?: siblings, parents
Associated Surnames: Fuller, Stebbins, et al.
Ol'James has proven to be a cussed feller. Cain't rightly say jes' when he were born, nor who his folks were. All's we know is he were born somewhar in OHIO (but mebbe Pennsylvany) somewhere around 1817 or 1819. He got hitched in Fountain Co., Indianny
Ifn ya need more info, I kin pass on summat about his family, kids 'n such. Allus happy t'hear from folk what has summat to share or jes' t'say Howdy!!
-Richard L. Hardesty
Hungry Horse
Montana Territory
Kim Taft - 04/25/98 22:05:12
My Email:TAFT58572aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Edmond Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Anne Arundel,MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ogle Co,IL
Who do you need information for?: almost everyone
What information do you need?: almost everything
Associated Surnames: Taft,Coy,Feary
I don't have much information to exchange but I
am willing to do so and would like to obtain more
information on my husbands Hardesty connections.
He grew up in Oregon,IL(which is in Ogle Co)
and some of the family is still there. I would
like to hear from other people who have Hardesty
connections from Ogle Co....thanks in advance!
Eileen Hardesty Segall - 04/25/98 01:37:59
My Email:qal@ma.ultranet.com
Earliest Hardesty: Henry Hardesty (Hardester)
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Henderson Cty, Kentucky
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Hamilton Cty, Illinois, Rowan Cty,North Carolina
Who do you need information for?: Henry
What information do you need?: Parents, etc
Associated Surnames: Howard, Grimes, Porter, Mayberry, Cavender, Hicks, Gaines
Dorothy Tatman - 04/24/98 21:42:25
My Email:LTatman744@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Lewis Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Belmont ,Ohio
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Mansfield, Il.
Who do you need information for?: Nancy Hardesty
What information do you need?: Verify her parents
Associated Surnames: Tatman
I have a Lewis Hardesty living with Amos and Nancy Tatman on 1850 census for Piatt co. Illinois His age was 70 years I can not find out her Mothers name or where Lewis is buried but think he might have went back to Ohio His wifes name might have been L
vina. any help ???
Glenn Edward Hardesty III - 04/23/98 23:06:47
My Email:gharde3770@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Glenn Edward Hardesty SR
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Findlay, Ohio
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Ohio
Who do you need information for?: Anybody
What information do you need?: Any Family Tree Information
Associated Surnames: Dont Know
Right now im just starting out trying to research my family tree. I don't have much info. to go on.
Please help!!!
Janet Tinnin - 04/14/98 20:15:20
My Email:abanatha@rt66.com
Earliest Hardesty: William
Location of Earliest Hardesty: York England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: IA,KS,OK,NM,TX,AZ,FL,CA
Who do you need information for?: My Hardesty Line
Associated Surnames: Morley, Tuttle,Goodwin, Kemp, Coffin, Frack, Ford, Cox, Cavett, Stephenson, Robinson
I've been researching for about 15 years. I got started for my cousin Frank Stephenson in Albuquerque, NM. I got a little muddled between Aquila and Thomas. My greatgrandfather was Joseph P. Hardesty from Louisa Co., IA. His father was James Madison.
My line came from Francis and his wife, Ruth Morley Gaither. This is a great site. I enjoyed visiting it.
Karla Birdsell - 03/28/98 05:22:54
My Email:kbirdsell@juno.com
Earliest Hardesty: My Mom would know
Location of Earliest Hardesty: My mom would know
Who do you need information for?: I promised my mom I'd look up Hardesty on the net. She has oodles of information. She would like to trade information with anyone. Contact me at my E-Mail address if interested
Shandi - 03/01/98 18:21:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/1139
I was just out visitng my Heartland neighbors and thought I would stop and say Hello!
Please stop by and see me too and sign the guestbook so I know you were there.
Patsy Hardesty-Sutton - 02/23/98 03:37:39
My Email:sut@swbell.net
Earliest Hardesty: 1824
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Iowa
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Kansas
Who do you need information for?: Richard Hardesty
What information do you need?: parentage & siblings
Associated Surnames: BARTLETT
This is my first visit to your site so I am going to browse and hopefully run across some info I can use.
John Miller - 02/15/98 22:53:00
My Email:jmiller@bmd.clis.com
Earliest Hardesty: Thomas
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Carteret County, NC
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: MD
Who do you need information for?: Thomas
What information do you need?: His parents, his wife's name
Associated Surnames: Dickinson, Small, Merrill, Weeks,
I have been researching the Hardesty line for over 15 years and have not been able to establish when Thomas Hardesty arrived in eastern NC. I also have been unable to establish who his patents were and his wife's maiden name. According to his will which
s available in Beaufort, NC courthouse her name was Dorthea Hardesty. I am willing to share what I have and would like to know more about Thomas.
Stan Hardesty - 01/24/98 22:47:47
My Email:DocKilbear@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Elijah Dudley Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Carteret County, NC
Associated Surnames: Sabiston, Johnson, Dickinson
Anna Lee Clark - 01/23/98 11:03:18
My Email:a0000349@airmail.net
Earliest Hardesty: 1760
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Pa
Who do you need information for?: Henry Hardisty
What information do you need?: Parents name
Associated Surnames: Howard
Came to let you know that I visited before looking
at your information. So far looks exciting.
Mike Hardester - 12/31/97 08:05:19
My Email:2Lakota@Coastalnet.Com
Associated Surnames: Hardester/Hardister
I've been researching my Hard*ster line for about 30 years, and have regularly noted that Hard*ster and Hard*sty families seem to live near each other. Maybe coincidence, but I think we're all related somewhere. In my line, the given names of Samuel, Will
am, Henry and Thomas seem to recur. My line appears to be MD > NC > TN > MO and then to CA; an associated line goes from TN > AR > CA. I haven't established a connection to any Hard*sty families in the above areas, but will keep checking.
Debra Hardesty Lewis - 11/29/97 05:04:14
My Email:glewis@diamond.jcn1.com
Earliest Hardesty: John Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: KY, MO
Who do you need information for?: myself
What information do you need?: anything
Associated Surnames: Mattingly
I have received information from Marcia Hardesty placing back to John Hardesty of St. Mary's Co MD married to Elizabeth Boarman. The only information I personally have documention on his that my great-grandparents were Alfred H. Hardesty & Mary C. Mattin
ly. My grandfather was John Joseph Hardesty of Waverly, KY and at his death had one brother, Robert of Waverly, KY and one sister Ora Jenkins of Evansville, IN. He had 2 brothers & 4 sisters that preceded him in death. I do not have their names. Any a
ditional links or info would be appreciated.
Ron Ruebush - 11/16/97 16:43:51
My URL:http://www.wiu.edu/users/msrer
My Email:msrer@wiu.edu
Earliest Hardesty: Harmon Hardisty/died 1960's
Location of Earliest Hardesty: McDonough+Hancock Cnty, IL
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: unknown
Who do you need information for?: Marilyn Hardisty, granddaughter of Harmon
What information do you need?: ancestors of Harmon Hardisty
elizabeth margaret hardesty - 11/06/97 00:07:46
My Email:javen@arches.uga.edu
Earliest Hardesty: john george hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: kentucky
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: arkansas,south carolina,tenn.
Who do you need information for?: myself
What information do you need?: is there anyone out there that can help me learn about my family history!
I think your page is great! I hope someone somewhere can be of help to me. John George was my grandfather and I have no record of any hardesty's before him.
Eileen Hardesty Segall - 10/14/97 23:56:24
My Email:qal@ma.ultranet.com
Earliest Hardesty: Henry Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Rowan County, N.C.
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Southern Illinois
Who do you need information for?: Henry
What information do you need?: Any.
Associated Surnames: Williams, Porter, Smith in later years. Don not know about Henry
My father was Robert Wayne Hardesty, b. 1916
His father, James Robyn
His father, George Willis
His father, Jesse
His father, Wm. Christopher Illinois pioneer
His father, Henry of Rowan Cty, N.C.
Floyd W. Spencer - 10/05/97 16:46:52
My Email:FloydorDebbie-Spencer@worldnet.att.net
Earliest Hardesty: William Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorkshire, England
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: MD, OH, IN, TX
Who do you need information for?: Edmund Hardesty
What information do you need?: Name of first wife of Edmund Hardesty. Second wife was Ruth Chaney
Associated Surnames: Spencer, Norman, Burris
Earliest Hardesty is based on newly discovered information from your site. Specifically, the connection of William Hardesty of Concho Co. and Coke Co. TX.
Wendy - 10/01/97 22:43:23
My Email:trevor.wells@virgin.net
Earliest Hardesty: Sarah Jane Hardisty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Yorks,UK
Who do you need information for?: Personal
What information do you need?: Anything
Associated Surnames: Whitehead
Ruby Jones - 09/19/97 14:55:59
My Email:Rubybj@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Thomas Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Carteret Co., NC
Who do you need information for?: Thomas Hardesty, Joseph Hardesty
What information do you need?: Anything
Associated Surnames: Jesse Cannon
I have research Frances (Fannie)Hardesty Cannon married to Jesse Cannon. I believe Joseph Hardesty to be her father, and Thomas Hardesty to be her grandfather.
Thomas and Joseph left wills in Carteret Co., NC. (Thomas' will in 1758 and Joseph's will in 1805)
Frances and Jesse Cannon moved to GA.
Michele Olson - 09/17/97 20:38:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/3864
My Email:gennut@geocities.com
You have a really nice page, no Hardesty's in my line. Just stopped by to see your page since you are in my block that I monitor. Stop by and see my growing collection of unrelated surnames and historical information.
Meredyth Devin - 09/15/97 22:23:14
My Email:MLDevin@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty: Thomas Hardesty 1673
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Calvert Co, MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: KY, MO
Who do you need information for?: Thomas, et al
What information do you need?: parents of Thomas
Associated Surnames: Meades, Lawrence, Hance, Troutman, Vaughan
Hi...just checking in. Received a note from Marcia Hardesty, Edmonds, WA, about your website. She is the source of all my Hardesty information, so I don't have much new to add, except to provide family groups emanating from Samuel Hardesty and Rebecca Tr
utman m. 22 Jan 1826. Let me know if I can contribute anything.
David Gordon Guthrie - 08/22/97 16:06:05 GMT
My URL:http://www.watson-co.com/nwfapi/guthrie
My Email:dguthrie-pensacola@worldnet.att.net
Earliest Hardesty : Grace Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Conesville, Ohio
Who do you need information for?: Grace was my auntby marriage.
What information do you need?: Just Guthrie family info.
Associated Surnames: Guthrie, McNichols
Hi Gwen: I have this feeling I know your name, perhaps from Adele Hardesty Hibbs, my cousin or my cousin Sylvia Hosler Mellott, also from Conesville, Ohio originally. I think your page is great. Check out my P.I. page. I was born and reared in Coshocton,
hio, but haven't been back in quite a while. I hyope to get back this fall sometime. Take care and let me know your relation to my Aunt Grace Hardesty. Thanks, Dave Guthrie (I was called Gordon in Coshocton!)
Jerilyn - 08/22/97 02:56:22 GMT
My Email:103140.2731@compuserve.com
Earliest Hardesty : You know, I don't
Hi ya sis, just looking around.
Bernadine K. Hardesty Filemyr - 08/17/97 09:48:40 GMT
My URL:http://BFilemyr@concentric.net
My Email:BFilemyr
Earliest Hardesty : ???????
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Illinois
Who do you need information for?: Everyone
What information do you need?: Everything
Everything I've looked at doesn't seem to link to my fathers family?!?!?!
I sure don't know much, and can only share the little I know.
norm martin - 08/14/97 01:05:55 GMT
My URL:http://www.wazoo.com/~nmartin/NORMPAGE.HTM
My Email:nmartin@zianet.com
Earliest Hardesty : abt1600
Location of Earliest Hardesty: england
Associated Surnames: linthicum, cole,harris
My wife's mother was a Hardesty and we have her Hardesty line back to england. We have a lot of the same ones on your lists.
Anthony Bourdon - 08/01/97 01:37:38 GMT
My Email:ABour23146@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty : John Joseph?
Location of Earliest Hardesty: MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: KY, IN
Who do you need information for?: Everyone
What information do you need?: Everything
Associated Surnames: WILSON
Anthony Bourdon - 08/01/97 01:35:44 GMT
Kathryn Hardesty Herbert - 07/24/97 07:20:48 GMT
My Email:Hunt4Ances@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty : John Hardesty, b.ca1750
Location of Earliest Hardesty: St. Mary's Co., MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Washington/Marion Co. KY, Meade Co. KY, Breckinridge Co. KY, Tulsa Co. OK, Delaware Co. OK
Who do you need information for?: John Hardesty
What information do you need?: parents
Associated Surnames: Thompson;Boarman;Livers;Budges;Smith;Mattingly;Buford;Hartley;Fackler;Adkisson;Squires;Schmitt;Elder,Stinnett;Brown;Burrus;Sims;Philpott;Parr;
I have deadended at John Joseph? Hardesty in St.
Mary's Co. MD to Washington Co. KY. He married
Catherine THOMPSON (her parents?) in 1775 in SMC.
Some say his parents were John Hardesty & Elizabeth
BOARMAN of St. Mary's County. But I have found nothin
to substantiate that fact.
I'll be happy to exchange information.
gary h hardesty - 07/23/97 18:04:22 GMT
My Email:PHARDE7536
Earliest Hardesty : GEORGE 1662
Location of Earliest Hardesty: MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: ky,okl
Who do you need information for?: personal interest
What information do you need?: henry hardesty
looking for parents of henry hardesty/born approx.1825-1835/married elizabeth harrison/she was born around 1835/they had 7 children,one of which was my grandfather (daniel) 1873-1966.
gary h hardesty - 07/23/97 17:53:31 GMT
My Email:PHARDE7536
Earliest Hardesty : GEORGE 1662
Location of Earliest Hardesty: MD
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: ky,okl
Who do you need information for?: personal interest
What information do you need?: anything
Any help to fill the blanks !
Eileen Norris - 07/23/97 03:28:11 GMT
My Email:eileenn@bright.net
Earliest Hardesty : Nancy Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Washington Co, Pa.
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Knox Co, Ohio
Who do you need information for?: myself
What information do you need?: her parents
Associated Surnames: Charles Wallace
Roger A. Cox - 07/20/97 23:09:28 GMT
My URL:http://incolor.inetnebr.com/hardesty.htm
My Email:rgcox@inetnebr.com
Earliest Hardesty : Obediah Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Belmont Co. OH
Other Locations your Hardesty Line: Washington Co. PA, Lee Co. IA, Adams Co. IA
Who do you need information for?: John s/o Francis
What information do you need?: Obed's siblings and parents
Associated Surnames: Warren, Headley, Walton, Fudge, Cox
Marcia Hardesty - 07/10/97 18:06:09 GMT
My Email:MarciaH@aol.com
Earliest Hardesty : George Hardisty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Calvert Co. MD
Other Locations your Hardest
Line: Bourbon, Henry, Scott Co KY; Audrain Co MO, Sonoma Co CA, Spokane Co WA
Who do you need information for?: All branches of this line!
What information do you need?: More stories, and sources
Associated Surnames: HAR
Gwen, Great page! Thanks for opening up this page.
deb Johns - 07/01/97 15:49:53 GMT
My Email:debjohns@orednet.org
Earliest Hardesty : 1800
Location of Earliest Hardesty: IN
Who do you need information for?: Noah and
What information do you need?: birth, ancestors
Associated Surnames: Hodgen
Rebecca Hardisty, daughter of Noah and Harriett
married James Clinton Hodgen in 1856 in Unionville,IN. They came to Milton-Freewater, Oregon in i860's. My husband is gr-gr grandson. Need info on both of parents. Thanks
Carol Mitchell - 06/22/97 14:49:15 GMT
My Email:carolmit@bellatlantic.net
Earliest Hardesty : John Hardesty
Location of Earliest Hardesty: Anne Arundel Co., MD
Locations your Hardesty Line: Green Co., PA, Fulton Co., IL
Who do you need information for?: John Hardesty
What information do you need?: Anything
Associated Surnames: Morley