HOPKIN PADGETT B. C1775 Colleton Co., SC d. bef 1850 Hamilton Co., FL married Mary Branch b. c1770 SC

1. John Padgett b1797 Colleton SC m. Margaret ??

2. Pinky Padgett b. 1803 Colleton Co., SC d. 1875 m. 8July1819 to Richard J. Herndon

3. William Padgett b. 1805 Collecton Co., SC m. Louisa Thomas

4. Easter Padgett b. 1810 Ware Co., GA m. John Stalvey

5. Elijah Padgett b. 1811 Ware Co., GA m. Charity Hunter

6. James T. b. abt 1813 m. Mehala Hunter, Caroline Crews

7. Jeremiah Padgett b. 1828 Ware Co., GA m. Lucy
Hopkin Padgett was certified as a PIONEER OF FLORIDA by the state. Proof that he was in FL before statehood in 1845 is the following:

Hopkin(s) served in the Hamilton Co. Mililtia in 1837 in the Indian Wars. He enlisted at Mineral Springs and Ft. Gilliland, Territory of East Florida. He is found in the census listed below and was listed as voter #7 in Jasper, Precinct #2, Hamilton Co., FL in the first staewide election on 26 May 1845.

1830 Hamilton Co., FL census lists Hopkin Paggett with 1m under 5 years, 2 males 10-15 years, 1 m 15-20 years, 1 m 50-60; 2 f 5-10 years, 1 f 15-20 years, and 1 f 30-40 years

1840 Hamilton Co., FL census lists Hopkin with 1 m under 5, 1 m 60-70, 1 f 15-20, 1 f 50-60


In 1840 Hamilton Co., FL census, we also find:

John Padgett age 30-40 with family
William Padgett age 30-40 with family
Jerry Padgett age 20-30 with family
James T. Padgett age 20-30 with family
Elijah Padgett age 20-30 with family
In 1850, Hamilton Co., FL we find:

James, John, Jeremiah, Hopkin's widow, Mary, age 80

In 1860, the Padgett families were in Echols Co., GA. Did they move or possibly the state line moved, cutting them into Echols Co., GA


Do you have Padgetts in your line?