Charles Sawyer c1770- c1825
**Zaddock Sawyer 1800-1872
** m. Frances ??
**** Samuel Sawyer 1831-1864
**** m. Margarett FULTON 1837-1891
******Samuel Lamantha Sawyer 1862-1927
******m. Eva ElizabethCRAWFORD 1875-1953
*********William Oscar Sawyer 1903-2002 (see photo)
*********m. Kathryn Lucille
PRICE 1904-1989
***********Doris Wylene Sawyer 1931-
***********m. Charles Randall POPE 1928-
***************Teri Lynn Pope (ME)
************** m. Stansel Eugene GOLDEN, Jr.

A Brief History:

Charles Sawyer 1800-Camden Co., NC 1820-Hancock Co., GA

son, Zaddock or Zadock, 1820 Jones Co., GA 1830-Henry Co., GA 1840 Randolph Co.,GA

Zadock had 5 wives and many children (see family group below). Some of these children and families moved to Arkansas and Texas. Zadock was a hotel operator in Cuthbert, Randolph Co., GA and also was a Justice of the Peace.

Samuel, 4th son of Zadock by wife #2, Francis?? and my gggrandfather, died a POW in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1864.

1. ZADOCK SAWYER b. abt 1800 in Camden Co., NC or possibly Sheffield, England.
2. SUSANNA SAWYER b. abt 1790 Sheffield, England? d. 12Nov1825 Camden Co., NC m. Griffith SANDERLIN abt 1812 in Camden Co., NC
According to census records, there were other children but are unknown to me at this point.

wife #1: Elizabeth Williams d. bef. 1830 mar. 8 Oct 1818 in Jones Co., GA

1. William Sawyer b. abt 1822 m. Eliza J. b. 1837 They had 2 sons: Andrew 1856-1929 and William C. 1856-1935

2. Francis M. Sawyer b. abt 1824 m. Menerva M. Hurst 4Jan1847

3. John Frank Sawyer b. abt 1828

wife #2 FRANCES???)m. abt 1830

4. Eliza Sawyer b. 1832 in Henry Co., GA m. 21Mar1847 to Albert M. Hobbs, d. Drew Co., Arkansas. Children: Walter 1848-, Alonzo 1850-, Sarah 1856-, Emma 1858-, Albert 1861-

5. Samuel Lamontha Sawyer, Sr.b. 1831 in Henry Co., GA d. Nov 1864 in Indianapolis, Indiana as a POW in the Civil War, mar. 14Jan1858 to Margarett
FULTON b.13Feb1837 d.25Nov1891

6.Enoch Sawyer b. 1833 GA, died in youth after age 17

7. Zadock M. Sawyer, Jr. b. 1835 Henry Co., GA mar. Antionette? son, Ebenezer b. 1859

8. Mary Jane Sawyer(Margaret) b. 1838 Randolph Co., GA, mar. Lemuel SANDERLIN(2May1822-25Feb1864) d. 5May1873 in Monticello, Arkansas and buried in Rough and Ready Cemetery

9. Martha J. Sawyer b. 1839 Randolph Co., GA, mar. Mr. Brown and had children: May E. 1858-, Martin 1861-, Elizabeth 1863-, Georgia 1865-, David 1867-, Willie 1869-

wife #3 Elizabeth Chappell(abt1820-aft1853 Randolph Co., GA) m. 2Feb 1841

10. James Chappell Sawyer b. 18Apr1848 Randolph Co., GA m. Harriet E. Davis on 2Feb1871 and d. 14Jan1902 in Drew Co., Arkansas, buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery

11. Joseph A. Sawyer b. 22Jan1849 Randolph Co., GA d. 9May1929 Drew Co., Arkansas, mar. Elizabeth Tyson, had children: Zena, Joseph, Jr. 6Jan1872-25Oct1892, Eula Lee 27May1874-10Jan1944, William Morgan 30Mar1878-21Aug1902, John d. infancy??

Joseph married a 2nd time and had ELEVEN more children. Email me for details.

12. Susan Sawyer b. 1853,GA

13. Robert Sawyer b. 1856, GA m. Mattie ? d. 1927, Clarendon, Texas children: Robert Henry, Joe Zaddock 17Feb1892-23Jan1918 during WWI

MORE TO COME!!!!!!!!!!!!