JOEL HANCOCK 9Jan1792- 13Sept1869 Pike Co., GA and Elizabeth _______ 7Nov1791-11Aug1862 Pike Co., GA were married about 1815 in GA. In the 1820's Joel and Elizabeth were livng in Pike Co. Later, their land was cut into Upson Co. when it was formed. Joel is listed as head of family in the 1830 Upson Co. census. At that time there were 5 male and 3 female children in the household. In the 1840 census, there were 4 male, 4 female children. In 1850, Joel and Elizabeth were listed with Joel T. age 22, Mary E. age 18, Francis, age 15, and Henry, age 12.

After the death of Elizabeth,
Joel married Martha Reeves Wesley, a widow, on 31Dec1865 in Spalding Co., GA. They had one daughter listed below:

known children of Joel and Elizabeth:

1. Robert N. b. 1816 d. aft 1890 Randolph Co., GA

2. Matilda b. 1817 d. aft 1880 Talbot or Taylor Co., GA

3. John Wilson b. 22Oct1821 d. 4Dec1899 Cullman Co., AL

4. Sarah b. 1822 d. aft 1860 Dale Co., AL or possibly Texas

5. Eliza E. b. abt 1825 m. 27Oct1846 to Josee
Dunn in Crawford Co., GA or Upson Co., GA These are my ggggrandparents.

6. Green T. b. 28Jun1826 d. 2Apr1912 Columbia Co., Ark.

7. Joel T. b. 1828 d. 10May1864 Spottsylvania, VA m. Elizabeth Childers on 18Nov1852 in Crawford Co., GA

8. Mary E. b. Feb1832 d. after 1900

9. Frances Ann b. 13Dec1836 d. 21Jan1920 in Meriwether Co., GA

10. Henry Upton b. 13Oct1838 d. 23Jun1904 Columbia Co., Ark.

child of Joel and 2nd wife, Martha:

11. Ella Catherine b. 10Sept1866 d. 8Nov1951 in Spalding Co., GA.

For more information on the children of Joel Hancock, email me at the box. Many thanks to Alivs for his help. I will be glad to pass it on to other Hancock cousins!