Welcome to my Guestbook!

Connie Beaty - 11/30/00 07:05:25
My Email:chb122154@aol.com

Very nice Web page. My husband's g. grandmother was Charity Frier Beaty, daughter of Rev. Ryan Frier and grand daughter of Henderson Frier and Delilah Williams. She was married to Thomas Jefferson Beaty. Would be interested in any info on Charity Frier. There is much more info available on her sister, Civility Frier.

Junius M. Downing - 11/25/00 03:57:20
My Email:olegray@svic.net

You have a very nice site! I am a great-great grandson of Richard Herndon and Pinkey Padgett thru daughter, Martha. Keep up the good work!

Norma Kirchhofer - 09/30/00 04:23:12
My Email:norma_kirchhofer@hotmail.com

I am also working on your Warren Family line out of Wayne, Lincoln, Pulaski Co., Kentucky. I do have a lot of information to share with you, as this family goes back to william the conquerer in England, this line come out of Amherst Co., Virginia, Reuben Warren & S. John Warren's father was Charles Warren, born abt 1740 and died in Lincoln Co., Ky. I also have a lot of information on your line out of Itawamba Co., Mississippi Nick Price - 07/27/00 02:26:41
My Email:catman@talk21.com

Hello Terri, Spotted your Price ancestors and had a look. Very interesting. I've got back to 1834 when Thomas Price was born in Tynemouth, Northumberland, England. He was a blacksmith and worked in the coal mines of the area. He and I are no relation to you (as far as I know) but had fun looking around your site.

Wanda Lea Swilley Stone - 07/16/00 16:41:26
My Email:ws31hm@aol.com

Hi Teri, Great site! I know you've put a lot of time and effort into all this great info because searching and reading and compiling takes time. I appreciate all your hard work and sharing with us distant cousins out here.

E. L. Warren - 07/07/00 00:00:16
My Email:elwarren@hal-pc.org

My Great grandfather Thomas Preston Howard married Mary Permalia Howard. Her parents were Durham Hancock and Elizabeth Feagle (or Cason). They last lived in White City, FL. Thanks for any help.

Christina Terrell - 07/06/00 00:56:21
My Email:Rom51920@Aol.com

Are you related to Leslie Earl Terrell? C.Emmet Kent? Edna M. Adams?

Gene Sawyer - 06/18/00 20:12:19
My Email:tomarg43@aol.com

Teri, Great Page. Enjoy it Much. Thanks

Don Schlereth - 06/17/00 15:58:31
My Email:therock@infinet.com

My great grandfather's name was Alfred Holder Crawford and my great grandmother's name was Alice Belle Pope. I have nothing on them other then they might have came from Kentucky.

Edith Dunn - 06/05/00 18:27:01
My Email:jandunn@juno.com

Looking for information on Margaret Jane Cooper, b.ca. 1816, m. Samuel Dunn 1847 in Lincoln Co.,KY

Edith Dunn - 06/05/00 18:24:55
My Email:jandunn@juno.com


Becky Rodgers - 06/03/00 04:28:39
My Email:bear1992026@yahoo.com

Hi. I like your page! I am just begining my search. My fathers name was Fances Wesley Herndon. His parents were Gene and Marie Herndon (i think)they lived in Pearl river co. Mississippi. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Becky

Debra Padgett-Brown - 05/21/00 15:57:34
My Email:mebey@swbell.net

Very nice page, I found it while I was doing a geneology search for my dads side of family. My great grandfather James Padgett and his wife Eliza Sixkiller. They had several children, Elizabeth (I think), Luke, Taylor, Epharium(mp),and not sure if there a e more. My grandfather was Luke who married Alma, they had about 13 or 14 kids. anyways thanks

Wayne R. Pope - 05/11/00 02:35:17

Hey! I finally go on the internet!.

Kat Pettycrew - 04/30/00 03:33:37
My Email:pettycrewkd@yahoo.com

Very nice pages! Don't know if my Terrells are related or not. I'm new to this. I have a George Terrell, born around 1805 somewhere in the Eastern (not Southern) states. I was wondering if your Malcolm or Pierce Terrell had any children? George married Nancy Dowers, probably in PA, and they both died before 1844 in probably IN or Ohio. The only child I know of is Benjamin F. Terrell who was born around 1832, probably in IN. George Terrell is one of my "Walls." Really nice pages, though, whether we're connected or not. Peace. Kat

Joan Peacor - 04/24/00 21:03:27
My Email:cpeacor@uswest.net

I was checking your Herndon line. My ggaunt, LuluBelle Lowe married a Herndon. I don't know his name, but their son was Lowe H. Herndon. Lulu was born in Georgia and was the daughter of William Lowe, a member of the Georgia House of Representatives.

kelly - 04/12/00 18:27:31
My Email:goldengirl199@aol.com

cool page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawn Walsh - 04/11/00 07:35:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/kalena
My Email:dawnw@wa.freei.net

Hi, I really enjoyed my visit to your webpage. It is very nicely done. Feel free to visit my page as well and apply for my award if you like.

Regina L golden/hall - 03/30/00 22:18:21


Oscar Lee Golden - 03/27/00 16:08:21
My Email:tlg590@idnsi.net

First off Thank You for presenting your information,if you ever run across any information on James Oliver Golden D/D about 1868 Pike co.Alabama he was married to Elvira Maranda Peters I think they lived at or near a place called Goshen Alabama.They had t o children James Handy and Clara Alice Golden,Please let me know.You may call me collect or email me at tlg590@idnsi.net,Thank You in advance for any imformation,I have tried so many times to search all this but am not with good eye sight to focus on scre n and have other health problems pertaining to sitting.

Melinda Tyner White - 03/21/00 06:09:16
My Email:melindaw@bellsouth.net

The names in my family are: Father: Tyner, Dugan, Bowen, Mother: Maxwell, Patterson, Chrisman, Allen. I am From Franklin TN my Tyner grandfather was from Alabama his mother was Creek Indian Barbara Ellen Jones and Father was James Caleb Tyner. Talk to you later. Melinda Tyner White

Ricky Pope - 03/09/00 20:03:21
My Email:rwptxk@aol.com

Just got interested in looking back on our family tree and stumbled upon your site. Looks great and I know it took a lot of work.

Rachel H Tanner - 02/18/00 17:05:30
My Email:rmtanner@duesouth.net

Am trying to find info on my great, great grandfather who is NATHANIEL GUYTON and m. to MARY ANN DUNN, both born abt 1845. Understand they may have been from GOWDEYSVILLE, SC (have no clue where this is, but maybe what is now CHEROKEE COUNTY). They had 4 hildren: RACHEL (1868), JACOB -- my great grandfather (1871), ISAAC (1876) & MARTHA (Mattie) (1876).Any help appreciated.

- 02/12/00 03:05:19
My Email:momma81@aol.com

Should get together about Swilley's Mother in law was one. We are the Samuel branch that moved to Texas

Paula LeMasters - 02/10/00 19:49:50
My Email:chyanel@internetcds.com

Hello, I am searching for information on the family of Jane Golden who was born abt 1840 in Madison County, Alabama.

Anna Whisnant - 02/05/00 22:56:18
My Email:awhisnant@yahoo.com

Just looking for a McPherson Golden from Kentucky, I'll check back later. Thanks. Anna

Donnell Spivey - 01/31/00 01:05:21
My Email:Donnell.Spivey@realtor.com

My name is Donnell Spivey my grandfather's name was George Roosevelt. He was born in Colfeild NC. which is near Northampton Co. NC. I was also born in NC.

Diana Oxenford - 01/21/00 02:28:31
My URL:http://http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=dianaoxenford
My Email:oxenford@backinsf.com

Great site. I can't imagine how long this has taken to put together. I'm researching FEAGLES. Family lore has it that 3 brothers immigrated to the US to avoid the Hessian draft. My oldest Feagles at this point is John Wesley Feagles born 1808 in PA an died 1874 Yorkshire, Cattaraugus Co, NY.

Susie - 01/18/00 18:21:19
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/misc/riccomom/southernwelcome.html
My Email:sheadley@darientel.net

Great pages! You have very good info, and a lot of hard work put into these pages. Enjoyed it!

Brenda - 01/17/00 02:20:08
My Email:Primrose188@yahoo.com

I am trying to find the children of Samuel & Mary Elizabeth Frier any information would be helpful I think you have a great page thanks

John Spivey - 01/16/00 22:02:30
My Email:jfspivey@yahoo.com

looking for my branch of the family which originated in yorkshire england as early as 1260

elizabeth swilley sheridan - 01/12/00 19:31:43
My Email:ellaswsh37@aol.com

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAGE!!!!!! Using the Swilley link, I accessed some awesome info on my ancestors..I am so computer illiterate and my computer so ancient that I couldn't believe how easy it was to gain info on my dad's line! You are an angel! THANKS!!

Owen James POPE - 01/07/00 08:55:28
My Email:anathoth@voyager.co.nz

Hi from New Zealand. I have been researching my POPE family and have traced them to Devon, England around 1635-70. There is a Nathan Pope married 21 Sept 1691 and another married 17 October 1705.IGI M050741. They are among my lot but I have to sort them o t yet. I have made contact with large groups of my POPE family branching off four generations ago. Let me know if you think your Nathan Pope is a possible son of one of these two. GOOD HUNTING. Owen Pope.

WAYNE GOLDEN - 01/07/00 00:30:11
My Email:way@visi.net

starting search, thanks & happy new year!

William Edward Pope - 12/28/99 23:37:20
My Email:bkpope125@aol.com

It looks as if we have some common ancestors , I have been mildly interested in the search for a long time but never really worked at it. But recently my wife Bess became involved in both our lineages and she has amazed me with her findings. I believe you two could find lots to talk about. Best Wishes Cousin? Bill P.

Jimmy L. Golden - 12/19/99 21:09:01
My URL:http://www.cp-tel.net/art
My Email:art@cp-tel.net

I was just trying to track some of my people and come a cross your page and just thougt I'd tell you you've done a great job, tracking takes a lot of time. Take Care........Jimmy

Sam Lachmann - 12/18/99 04:45:11
My Email:slachman@oloypen.com

My mother is Doris Pryor of KY then IN. Her father was Frank Pryor and I believe his father was John Pryor both of VA I believe but possibly KY.

Maxine McNeill - 11/30/99 04:15:25
My Email:maxinecm@carolina.net

Discovered through your information that I am not related at all to the Tyners as I had previously thought. It seems that JuliaAnn Council Tyner, who is my great-grandmother, conceived and bore an additional child after James Tyner died. I don't know if this is of interest to you - but the name of the child was Sarah Ellen (and was given the name of Tyner), born 1868, died 1950; and was married to R. Alexander Davis. They subsequently had five daughters. I will be glad to share the remeining informati n with you if it is of interest as there is direct lineage to the Councils if not to the Tyners.

Charles Tanner - 11/20/99 15:45:05
My Email:ctanner@ctlnet.com

I'm tracing my family history. Found your site of some help. Keep up the good work.

Diane Redman - 11/17/99 07:12:30
My Email:kate@innet.com

I'm related to the following families: Prater, Bell, Hall, Golden, Crutchfield, Goss, Parker, McKendree, Tucker, Stewart.

Joan (Bradley)Smith Bond - 11/16/99 18:31:47
My Email:myssbug@aol.com

Just beginning to work on my family history. What a surprise when I stubbled into your web page. I have scant information back to Stephen Swilley and have been busy trying to fill in the blanks. I am glad to have the ability to take advantage of the in ormation you have gathered. Thank You!

Doreen L.Tanner Clark - 10/30/99 14:49:57
My Email:dormel@txucom.net

Hi, I am looking for info on some Tanners and found your site and was wondering about your Tanner surname.My dad was a Tanner and all the info I have is his fathers name:Hiram Charles Tanner married to Dora Irene Enos.I know that they lived in Pennsylvania t one time and then moved to Michigan.I am assuming that he may have had German ancestry because of his name(Hiram).If you know anything about this name please e-mail me. Thanks

Cookie Pope - 10/29/99 17:41:41
My Email:cookie@mastschulz.com

I married Jackie Don Pope, one of 11 children bonr to Archie Raymond Pope and Callie Jones Pope. Archie's father was Dellon (Dhillon) Pope and his father was ....escapes me right now. We have story about Dellon's father walking from GA with a frying pan to Cumberland Co., NC. Who knows...you may be our lost/found kin. Jackie is a tobacco farmer and I work as a legal assistant for Mast, Schulz, Mast, Mills & Stem and serve as a Johnston County Commissioner. We have three grown sons, Clamen (Clay) Dell, mrd. to Jane Rose and they have 2 sons, Dellon and Austin...Clay wo ks with Interprise for Blind in Raleigh, NC and Jane is w/First Citizens Bank; Our #2 son, Franklin Pope is an attorney in Jacksonville, NC and is mrd. to Jennifer Robbinson who is also an attorney in Jacksonville. They, too, have 2 sons, Zachary and Jer my; Our #3 Son, Timothy Pope is single, works w/MCI in Cary and loves his Mustang Cobra and his computer where he is putting together short segments for submission to Production Studios (animation for movies). Our mailing address is 849 Polenta Rd., Smithfield, NC 27577

Al Munden - 10/26/99 03:29:38
My Email:aelmundo@aol.com

I have Price's, Sawyer's and Spivey's in my tree but I don't see any of mine in your tree. Mine are all from the Carolina's You have a verrry nice site, I enjoyed surfing thru.

Ed Grant - 10/25/99 02:58:50
My Email:eg999444@flash.net


Tricia Golden Blanton - 10/18/99 18:24:27
My Email:GaPines4@cs.com

Hi, Teri & Stan! I finally made it to your website, and it's great! Just wish I had more time to go "digging!" Keep up the good work! Tricia

Calvin Dunn - 10/09/99 05:42:33
My Email:calvind@bigfoot.com

A truely great page. I loved it. Keep up the good work.

meghan wooten - 09/30/99 16:33:38

If it gets me a good grade, it is an excellent web site! Actually, I enjoyed it. I thought the only thing you did in your spare time was dream about math. MW

Carolyn McLemore - 09/29/99 07:45:20
My Email:womenswold@aol.com

I searched for Herndon and your website came up. I'm also searching Warren, Gambill, Miller, Durrett, McLemore, Golden (though I can't remember who/why), Bradford, Digges, etc. Keep me in mind for any of the above. I can send further info if you want/need it. CMc

robyn pope - 09/06/99 19:52:17
My Email:rnpope@yahoo.com

a close relative... very impressive teri. love it!

Gail - 08/23/99 04:50:50

Teri, just realized you have both Price & Sawyer, I took a look and they are not mine. Sorry... My Mordeciah Price was in Washington Co., TN about 1776. The Sawyers were in southwest NC during the early 1800's the best I remember.

Gail - 08/23/99 04:35:36
My Email:gtoney4595@aol.com

Just surfing for Toney, Mulkey, Price, Gist, Sawyer, Stanberry, Adams and lots, lots more.

Thomas Barry - 08/11/99 00:41:54
My Email:tpbarry@juno.com


Betty Padgette Taylor - 07/24/99 22:18:38
My Email:ajbptaylor@worldnet.att.net

Another Padgett linked to Hopkin and Mary. I was referred to your website by Cuz Donna Sneed. It is very informative. Thank you

Donna Sneed - 07/20/99 00:18:49
My Email:dale.sneed@gte.net

Terri, this is beautiful work. I am related to you through the Padgett line.

Sandi Faria - 07/14/99 15:36:20
My Email:sandi@mo-net.com

Great page.. lets keep in touch.. I connect down the line of your Husbands surnames: Waren and Frier

Florence Padgett Sikes - 07/11/99 15:53:49
My Email:sikes@suntan.eng.usf.edu.

Terri, I am a descendent of Hopkins and Mary Padgett, from Elijah Padgett who had a son named James Tippen. I have done reserch on the family for 30 years. Also My sister whose name is Jackie Staats.We have data on lots more of the familys

Florence Padgett Sikes - 07/11/99 15:40:09
My Email:sikes@suntan.eng.usf.edu.


Donald L. Sanderlin - 05/24/99 22:00:16
My Email:danapana22@aol.com


Jewel Horner - 05/18/99 01:32:56
My Email:LPN078@aol.com


June - 05/17/99 01:02:52
My Email:junetron@cs.com

Goodlooking site! Was checking for Reddings, but doesn't seem to be my line. Mine went into Illinois.

Edyie Toole/Seufert - 05/17/99 00:46:03
My Email:ellyphnt@aol.com

This is for the Warren information you have.Miles Warren did not die from wounds inflicted during the war but from the Measles, however he was buried in a military cemetery in Va.

Trish Baker - 05/12/99 11:13:08
My Email:glen.d.baker@worldnet.att.net


Betty Jo Phillips - 05/08/99 22:10:07
My Email:BPhill8183@aol.com

Love your website. Maybe someday I'll be computer literate enough to have one of my own?

Alexa McSteel - 04/16/99 03:33:45
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/2732
My Email:alexa43@bellsouth.net

Found you by followin the web rings. Nice page, but no connection!!

Wiley E. Koon, Jr. - 04/06/99 00:01:42
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/k/o/o/Wiley-E-Koon
My Email:Kwiley@aol.com

What a great site!!! Thank you for mentioning mine. It's very nice to have a cousin who is interested in the same family lines I am researching.

Elizabeth Blair Robinson - 03/20/99 16:50:30
My Email:afn47175@afn.org

Annie Elizabeth Parker was my Grandmother.

SUE SMITH - 03/17/99 00:15:29
My Email:KellySue93@aol.com


Robert Price - 03/12/99 14:17:15
My Email:rmp20@citizen.infi.net

Great site. I am searching for the parents of Thomas E. Price, my gg grandfather. The 1850 census for Coosa County, AL have him listed as born in Alabama 1820.

april smith - 03/11/99 06:17:51
My Email:aprilsmit@hotmail.com

am looking for information on henry t. fulton born oct 3, 1814 son of samuel fulton and margaret banta. appreciate any help.

Alexa McSteel - 03/10/99 20:28:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2732
My Email:alexa43@bellsouth.net

I found your homepage thru the GenSearch ring..What a wonderful homepage you've created! Please visit me when you have time.

Carolyn Price Holt - 03/09/99 16:55:19
My Email:MsAmberlynn@webtv.net

I am trying to locate info about my Price side of the family. My great-grandfather's name is James C. Price, on the 1835 censes. My grandmother's name was Lily Mae Clark and married a Price boy in the late 1800's or early 1900's. They had 5/6 boys and 1 irl. The boys names are Ted, Marvin, Gerrald, Clifford. I do not remember the other boys names. The girls name is Ilere. Ted married Marrianne and Clifford A Price married Barbara J Smith. Clifford and Barbara had 4 kids. John, Carolyn, James and Becky. A l are married with children. I hope this helps you some.

Thomas G Golden - 02/26/99 19:00:19
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:TGoledn123

Searching for decendants of my great grandfather Patrick Golden,wife catherine(maiden name JUDGE)OF beford twp frontenac county ontario canada,1800-1900,

Richard Peterson - 02/17/99 00:59:47
My Email:RPete25448@aol.com

Hi: I saw your site in Cyndi's List. One of the surnames I am searching is Sawyer. My great grandfather was James Theodore Sawyer, born in 1868 in Elwood, Ind. He became a Methodist minister, and served in Ind. Ill. Iowa, and Nebraska, died in 1952 in Huntington Beach, Calif. His father's name was either Benjamin, or Jacob, and his mother's first name was Sarah, don't know her birthname. Do you have any connection with this Sawyer family? Richard Peterson

la rue pope helzer - 02/14/99 09:39:21
My Email:lash41@itlnet.net

looking for relations to le roy pope born 1904 plainfield n.j.

Phyllis Briggman - 02/06/99 06:51:36
My Email:pbrig911@aol.com

Didn't find my Abraham Crawford or his wife Lydia

Randy Smith - 02/02/99 23:29:45
My Email:nokansas@aol.com

Teri, It was very thrilling to find your site. There is so much to learn about our roots. Thank you.

Tom Parker - 02/02/99 02:03:18
My URL:http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~twparker
My Email:twparker@sprynet.com

Great site, I need to digest it more thoughly as I am sure there are more connections to my family other then the Herndon line.

Kathy Mills - 01/31/99 03:01:33
My Email:Kathy444@webtv.net

Hi Teri! Great job!

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