William Redding and Martha Parham
**Charles Redding and Edie Hobbs
***Parham Redding and Amy Jackson
NEW! Read about the DEATH of Parham D. Redding!
****James A. Redding and Caroline Davis
*****Charles P. Redding and Fannie Sanderlin
*******Beulah Redding and William "Will" John PRICE
********Kathry Lucille Price & William Oscar SAWYER
**********Doris Wylene Sawyer & Charles Randall POPE
***********Teri Lynn Pope(ME)& Stansel E. Golden, Jr.
William Redding b. 1736 VA, m Martha "Patsy" Parham 1755, d. 1822 GA.
Charlesb.1756 Sussex Co., VA m. Edie Hobbs 1784, d. 1815 Baldwin Co., GA
Anderson b. 1763 Sussex Co., VA m. Elizabeth Delilah Parham 1787, d. 1843 Monroe Co., GA
Arthur b.1770 Sussex Co, VA, m. 1) Frances Wynn, Harris Co., GA 2) Mary Clements, Harris Co., GA
The 6th child of Charles R. and Edie Hobbs was:
Parham Redding, b. 8Dec1798 married Amy Goodwin Jackson on 20Sept1821, in Baldwin Co., GA, died 27Mar1882. He is buried in Greenlawn Cemetery in Cuthbert, Randolph Co., GA.
The oldest son of Parham Redding and Amy Jackson was James A. Redding b. 1824, Baldwin Co.,GA.
He married Caroline P. Davis 26Nov1846 in Muscogee Co., GA. Caroline was b. Dec 1827 in Monroe Co., GA and died after 1900. James A. died between 1880 and 1900.
The first child of James A. Redding and Caroline Davis was Charles P. Redding, my gggrandfather, b. abt 1849 in Muscogee Co., GA.
The 1860 of Chattahoochee Co., GA census lists the following:
J.A. Redding age 36 m, farmer
Caroline 33, f
Chas 11, m
Sarah 8, f
Eginardius?? 2, m
Jordan 22, m
Wm 13, m
1870 Clay Co., GA census:
James Redding 46, m,w, miller
Caroline 42, f,w keeping house
Martha 9, f, w
Emma 5, f, w
Charles P. Redding m. Fannie Sanderlin 12Dec1867 in Clay Co., GA.
and had 9 children, 1 of which was my greatgrandmother, Beulah, Redding. After Fannie's death, Charles P. married Anna G. Shackleford on 2Feb1887 and bore 9 more children. For more info on children of Charles P. Redding follow his name link above or email me at
in Randolph Co., GA census 1870, we find:
Parham Redding age 71, m,w, farmer
Martha age 59, f,w, keeps house
William R. age 23, m,w,works on farm
Parham married Martha Wheelis on October 15, 1854 after the death of his first wife, Amy Jackson.
Parham and Martha are still alive in 1880 Randolph census, age 81, and 70.