WAGGGS-L Mailing List

To subscribe to the list, send the command to: listserv@iupui.edu

Enter ONLY the following text in the body of your letter:

subscribe wagggs-l YourFirstName YourLastName

(if you put any other text in the message, it will be rejected). You'll receive a reply from listserv, asking you to confirm your subscription. This helps reduce errors on the list.

The list is set up as a digest that will include copies of your own posts. If you prefer to receive the list message by message, or if you don't want a copy of your own postings but just an acknowledgement that your post went through, you can change these setting by sending commands to: listserv@iupui.edu set wagggs-l mail will send you the list message by message set wagggs-l digest will send you a daily digest (the default) set wagggs-l norepro will not send you copies of your own postings set wagggs-l ack will generate a message confirming that your post went through (noack turns this off)

You can sent listserv several commands in one message, but make sure each command is on a separate line. The (no)ack and (no)repro commands can follow the set wagggs-l mail/digest commands on the same line (e.g. you can send set wagggs-l mail norepro ack)

In order to reduce spamming, only subscribers may post to the list (something that can be changed at any point if we want it to), and only subscribers can review the list of subscribers. If you have any problems, contact the listowner at WAGGGS-L@LISTSERV.IUPUI.EDU.