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Our Home for Family Fun!

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Welcome to our home on the net! You are about to embark on a world of
family fun and adventure! So come on in, take your shoes off and get
comfortable!! And please enjoy the ride!
To learn more about us and our family photo's please visit our Scrap Book Link!
I am currently updating our pages so let me know your comments or suggestions below!

Now lets have some fun!! My sites are great for the whole family to enjoy!
Click on any of these topics below:

Friendship Wish
Somewhere out there,
There's someone who needs a smile.
Somewhere out there,
There's someone who needs a touch of your hand.
There's someone who needs a kind word.
Some understanding.
A whisper of appreciation.
Somewhere out there,
There's someone who needs something to eat.
A place out of the cold.
A pair of warm socks.
Somewhere out there,
There's a soul who needs to be remembered.
Just remembered,
Even that will do.
As you live your life from this moment to next,
Please think about those whose paths you cross.
Even if they stand right in front of you,
Take one little step that can,
And will,
Make all the difference, in the world.
Susan Le Page Simmons
Copyright 1992


A special thanks to Chozen for the background graphics on this page!



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Since June 14, 1999
Last updated March 27th, 1999