Our Return Visit to Yangchun, 1998
Our Return Visit to Yangchun
October 1998

We're Pat & Betsy Egan, and we adopted our daughter Bailee (Yang Feng) from Yangchun in October 1997. We were very fortunate this year to have the opportunity to return to Yangchun on business. During this trip, we met with Yu Hong Ying, the director of the Yangchun orphanage. We were allowed the honor of visiting the orphanage and touring the building. Hong Ying is very supportive of our Yangchun Family website and is happy we are attempting to keep our children connected. She understands the importance of having a link to our children's past, so we were allowed to take photos to be used on the webpage.

Below are links to various pages of photos we took and also to the written story of this trip and our impressions of the orphanage. I apologize in advance for the long download on the photo pages, but I wanted to include the majority of the photos we took on the trip.

All of the photos on this site are available to Yangchun Families. Just send me an email, or a letter, listing the photos you'd like by number (the number is under each photo). The reprints are $.50 each, plus shipping $4.00 for 1-15 photos, $5.00 for 16-40 photos, $6.00 for 41-75 photos or $7.00 for 76+ photos (payable in US funds). Don't forget to include your name, address and email address.

Please enjoy this site, and feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.

Pat & Betsy Egan
(Please email us for
our mailing address.)

© 1998 Email us

The Story of Our Return Trip to Yangchun
Photos of the Orphanage Buildings and Grounds
Meet the Aunties at the Orphanage
Photos of Babies in the Orphanage
Photos of Yu Hong Ying and the Gift Purchased for the Orphanage
by Several Yangchun Families
Photos Taken In and Around Yangchun
Photos of Golden Roc Hotel
Photos of Local Fireworks Factories
More Photos of the Orphanage Provided By Yu Hong Ying in 1997
Photos of the Market in Yangchun Available on the Yangchun Family Page

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