

"From China With Love"

We are the very lucky parents of two beautiful children from China. This is our daughter, Bailee Marie Egan. She had just turned four years old when this photo was taken. The time has flown by since she came home and it seems like she has been a part of our family forever! We started the adoption process in April 1996 and our dossier went to Beijing in September 1996. Since this was during the reorganization of the adoption process in China, it took over a year to receive our referral. We finally received our referral on September 30, 1997, Bailee was placed in our arms on October 29, 1997 and her adoption was final on October 30, 1997.

Bailee was born December 2, 1996 and lived in the orphanage in Yangchun, China. Her Chinese name is Yang Feng, meaning Sun Maple. The referral photo we received is at left. We believe this photo was taken at the same time she had her medical exam on June 24, 1997, so she was almost seven months old. To see the medical report we received, click here.

Yangchun is in Guangdong Province and is approximately four hours southwest of Guangzhou by car. We did not get to visit the inside the orphanage in 1997, but were allowed to tour the brand new orphanage building in 1998. We feel so fortunate that our daughter spent her early months at such a good orphanage. The level of care given to the children is excellent, and the director, Yu Hong Ying, and all the workers deeply love the children.

We had so much fun being parents, we decided to add to our family and our second dossier was submitted toBeijing in February 1999 by our great agency, Harrah Family Services. Our referral came much faster this time....we got the good news of our second child on August 30, 1999 (referral photo on the right). And we were on the plane October 4, 1999 to meet our newest daughter, Samantha Mei MoShan Egan!

Sammie is also from Yangchun and her Chinese name is Yang Mei Si. Once again, we had a great trip and were able to spend time at the Yangchun orphanage and with Mrs. Yu.

The latest big news around our house is that we are in the process of adopting our third daughter!! We are in the paper gathering phase right now, but plan to have our dossier sent to China in July or August 2001. With the current time frames, we hope to bring our newest family member home in August/September 2002.

We hope you enjoy our web site. You can read all about our journey to bring Bailee home, and soon you'll be able to read about our trip to Sammie. There are links to some neat China adoption sites, lots of information about Yangchun, and a ton of photos of our Yangchun treasures.




Our Adoption Trip in China 1997

Spring 2001 Bailee-Watch Me Grow.
Our Return Trip to Yangchun 1998
(contains many photos of Yangchun, the orphanage, the aunties, etc..)
Winter 2001

Sammie Becomes a Citizen

Sammie-Watch Me Grow.

Best of 1999

Our Return Trip to Yangchun 1999
(many more photos of children in the orphanage)
Fall 2000

Summer 2000

Bailee Becomes a Citizen

Best of 1998

Spring 2000

Best of 1997
February 2000 at the beach

Last Updated May 31, 2001

~~~~ Favorite Links ~~~~

Lots more Yangchun information and links on the Yangchun Families Website.

Meet many of the beautiful children from Yangchun! Visit the Yangchun Children's Photo Gallery.

Read all about the fun at the first Yangchun Family Reunion 2000 held in Colorado.

Meet just some of the families with children from Yangchun in the Family Gallery.

A great comprehensive list of personal China adoption stories and webpages.

Check out the Harrah Family Services website for a great list of links. You'll find information about adoption; Chinese adoption; travel within China; Chinese language, weather and currency links; dossier paperchase information and much more.

Families with Children from China is a wonderful site, with loads of information and links.

The Triumph of Hope is another website with lots of personal adoption stories featured.

This China Adoption Ring site
is owned by Betsy Egan.

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