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This Page is dedicated to the memory of:

Kailey Madison Ramsey

December 11, 1997-February 12,1998



Samantha Madison "Maddie" Fraker

12/18/97 - 12/24/98


Cari Mueck

A cyber-sister, friend, wife and mother!!!!

1/2/70 - 1/21/99

In my heart forever, sadly missed, always loved by all who knew them.

Please click on the Rose below to get to the Dedication Page!!!!!


I hope you take time to visit these sites and say a Prayer for those we have lost.





The Cressotti's

This was *before* John

Easter 1995


We consist of 6 people living under the same roof!!

Wow, The Brady Bunch

Not only are there six humans, there are 3 dogs, 2 cats and 4 fish!! Talk about a zoo!!!!



Rich & Lynn








Click on the little hearts below to see pics of John

from Thanksgiving '98 and on.

Updated 12/28/99

Yes, this needs updating and I will get to it!!!!


Here are pics from Christmas '99

(ok, so it's just me, Mom and Santa!!!!!!)

updated 03/15/2000


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Please click on the icon to e-mail us


Please sign our guestbook!!!!!


And if you want to see what everyone else has to say,

Check out our Guestbook!!!!!



The Graphics on this page are from:



Song "Just Once More"

found on the Memorial to Cari page

is re-written and used by permission from

The Nelson Brothers




Go to this site and adopt yourself a cute little bunny!!!!

I did!!!!!

Isn't he just cute!!! And there are so many more to choose from!!!




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