Ronda Fay Thompson

In Memory Of A Special Little Angel

February 12, 1998

Ronda Fay Thompson


Little one, loved before knowing,

Precious one, in dreams so fair,

My empty arms ache to be holding

My rosebud who blooms "over there".

If you had come to be with us,

I'd have shown you the stars and the sea.

But your eyes see them eternally clear...

One day you must show them to me.

-Author Unknown


This page is dedicated to the memory of a special baby named Ronda Fay Thompson. She is the daughter of a very dear friend of mine named Donna. Donna reached out to me after the death of my own daughter and we've been close friends ever since. She's helped me get through some very rough times and I can never thank her enough so I am creating this page as a surprise for her. Please take a moment to sign the guestbook and leave her a little note.

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