Welcome to Buster & Lasse's homepage.

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We are looking very much forward to telling you all about who we are.
Buster (Da Capo's Earl of York) was born on December 22nd 1996 on Seeland and Lasse (Da Capo's Mylord) was born on April 16th 1999. Our "Dad" who is a hunter will make sure to update our page on a regular basis. In Denmark where we live, the hunting-season goes from 1st of October to 31st of January and Buster and "Daddy" enjoys hunting a lot. Lasse is an expert track-dog and "Daddy" is looking very much forward to the day when he can bring us both hunting.

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Here we are then; ready to go for a walk in the forest. (In this picture Lasse is only 10 weeks old. More recent pictures will follow shortly):

This could very well be Buster at the training. (Image by Karen Clouston)

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On the 19th of February Buster and Lasse  participated in DKK's international show in Fredericia for the first time.
In spite of Buster's size (70 cms tall and weighing 45 kgs) he got a second-prize.
Lasse, the little one, got a first-prize and became first winner (age 10 months).

On the 9th of April we participated in a national show in Kolding and Buster got another 2nd prize and Lasse got a 1st prize and got 1st winner in his class. Furthermore he got a CK (Certificate quality) so daddy was very proud.

For some years now, we have been members of Dansk Kennel Klub as well as Dansk Terrier Klub. Dansk Terrier Klub has a homepage at the address:
This is a very fine and informative homepage so please visit.

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