Let me introduce myself...
Not that there's really anything very interesting to know about me; but my teacher & mentor, Rick, seems to think that every web site needs something about its author. So... here it is, Rick, just for you...
My name is Tertle56 -- Tertle because... well... if you knew me, you wouldn't need to ask; 56 because I was born in 1956. I lived in and around Wichita, Kansas, until I graduated from Wichita State University in 1978. Then I moved to Arkansas, where I met my husband; and we married in 1981. We have 3 teenaged daughters.
The sole purpose of this site is to share with my friends (some of whom I've met, & some I haven't) a collection of my favorite things; including songs, links, poems, & even a book that my Dad wrote a while back, "The Misplaced Okie".
I hope you enjoy the site. If you get lost anywhere along the way, just click on the "swimming tertles" button on the bottom of each page -- It will take you to a Table of Contents page. And , if you should happen to find something that you think I've used inappropriately, or not credited properly, please just email & let me know.
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Special Thanks to my online buddy & teacher, Rick; without whom, this site would not have been possible. And to my friend, Betsy , for her research, encouragement, & just plain nagging to make this site the best it could be.
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