A Little About Me

I was born in Toronto, Canada the child of Stephen Jackson and Cecile Coulombe. After Public School and High school (Scarborough Collegiate Institute) I decided to go into nurses training at The Wellesley Hospital. From there I graduated in 1959 and worked there for a year. It was during 1958 that I was introduced to a fellow who was training to be a Chiropractor at The Canadian Memorial Chiropracitc College in Toronto. His name was Gordon Burgess.

Well for some reason or other he took a liking to me. I was a devout tea drinker. However at that time there was in Toronto a number of Coffee Houses where they served all manner of coffees. He introduced me to a "coffee" drink that was mostly ice cream & whipped cream. To make a long story short I started to like coffee! I don't know if it was the effect of the coffee or not, but I began to like him too - a lot. He had the nicest crinkles on the outsides of his eyes, especially when he smiled. I was hooked on coffee and on Gordon.

One day he asked me to marry him, and I said 'Yes.' In June of 1960 he graduated from Chiropractic College and the following July 2 we were married. We moved to Barrie Ontario where Gord started his practice. I got a job working at the Barrie Hospital in paediatrics, but not for long! On April 2, 1961 our first child Brenda was born.

On October 1961 Gord moved his practice to Alliston, Ontario. Then in August 1963 our second child, Yvonne was born. In June 1969 our third child, Shelley came along.

We had been living on the main street of Alliston. But in 1970 we moved out into the country, about a mile outside of town. This house we bought. Previously we had been renting our accommodation. As of this year 2006 we are still living in this big old farm house. The 3 girls have all moved out and it is just Gord and I here, but we love it.

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