
..... 1947

On October 11
I was born the ninth child into a family of ten.   

I've been told that at birth, I was not breathing.
The doctor did what he could to make me breathe, and the priest was even called to perform an emergency Baptism and Confirmation.   Obviously, I was meant to be.   But during the first several years of my life, I was a "sickly" child and treated with extra care.  
Can you guess that this little girl was very......   spoiled?   ;o)

  My paternal ancestors had arrived in America in the late 1800's from their native Czechoslovakia.

My Mother's ancestors also came from Czechoslovakia.

My maternal grandfather's ancestors came from Wales.   So, I suppose this means that I am 3/4 Czechoslovakian, and 1/4 Welsh.       However, I just consider myself 100% American!

My Family

Thomas and Catherine Moxey and their children

  • Irene
  • Catherine
  • Thomas
  • Dave
  • Rosemary
  • Bernadette
  • Patricia
  • George
    ...died 1997
  • Mary Ann (me)
  • Herman

Three of my four brothers were in the Navy...Dave served in the National Guard

Our parents are top, left.   Everyone is posed according to age from left to right.   I am the smallest girl, bottom, end of row, and my youngest brother is in the middle, wearing his "Navy" uniform.  

(Click on the picture to enlarge).

I think I made up for those unsmiling years, later!  

Here are five of us ...the shortest, unsmiling, scared-looking little me

None of my father's children followed in his footsteps as a farmer/fisherman...but Irene did marry a farmer  

Ha!   Some farmers we were!

Cute Sophie

  My grandmother was always the first to own the newest invention...people from all over the County visited her to look at the first TV...when she bought a car, the dealer just dropped it off, so she simply taught herself how to drive!   In this photo, she has just learned how to use her riding mower. "

Through School...

Smiling in this one!  

My first day of school, 1953...So exciting!

NDHS Band  

The Band..I'm in there somewhere!


Four years on the Basketball, Field Hockey,
and Volleyball teams

clicking on this picture will take you to a larger version
Our senior class play--so much fun!  
(Click to enlarge).


H.S. Graduation, 1965      

I really liked everything about school... (except for Math!)

New York City...

After graduating from high school, I wanted to taste city life, so I went to New York.   My first job title was "Account Representative" at The New York Bank For Savings.  

On the roof of my apartment building in New YorkPhotos of With Klaus on his shipsome of my life One of quite a few partiesin NYC

I was also a member of the Chelsea Players...a local theatre group, and I acted in one play which we presented three times.   I thought I was pretty good up there on the stage, but when the play had finished, the director (a very kind person) advised me to write stories or anything instead of trying to act.   :o)  
I loved my job...and I was also quite happy with my life of parties!

I truly enjoyed my time in New York.   But after ten years and a divorce, I packed up my three year old daughter and we moved back home to Maryland.   About three years later, I fell in love with Russ.  :o)

This   SMILE   webpage, although skipping the next twenty years, does bring the life of Mary Ann Moxey to the present.

My maternal Grandmother lived to the age of   97.   My mother died in her sleep from a brain aneurysm, at the age of   82.   Chances are, I will live to at least....oh, say   65, nasty cigarettes and all.   But whenever my time is up, I hope I will say that I have had a pretty darn good life, albeit spoiled, and I'm ready to face the next exciting adventure.

So, if destiny decrees...      

(or in other words, if I do anything worth mentioning)...  

to be continued ...