These candles burn in memory of (listed by death) my brother -- Mike (1970), my father -- Donald Angst (1985)
photo from WW2 101st Airborne, my sister -- LaVonne (1990), my Mother in Law -- Sarah (March of 2001) and my mother --Beverly (October of 2001). Also for my Dad's Mom (1986) and my mother in law's Mom, my step father, several aunts, uncles, and others from my family and my husband's family.
They also burn for those that have been killed or hurt by fellow classmates. They burn to offer hope and happiness to those affected by these senseless acts of violence. They burn in memory of 9/11 and all of those who have lost their lives working for NASA doing what they loved doing. Also now for those fighting and dying in Iraq and other countries.
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.........Age 1 1/2...........
Age 17..............Me
I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado in 1952. I went to Denver North High, Metropolitan State College and The Community College of Denver. I also went to the Santa Fe Community College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In 1977 I married Doug Robertson. He went to Westminster High School in Westminster, Colorado (a burb of Denver).Since being married we have lived in Colorado, California, New Mexico, Mississippi and now we are in Texas. He is employed by the Federal Department of Justice so we tend to move a bit. We have 2 daughters and 2 dogs:
.......Marianne age 18............
.....Samantha age 14
I need to upload a new photo of Samantha and myself.

family: The Robertson's
back: Carol, Frank,
middle: Joshua (Carol's son), Jean (Frank's wife), Kristi, Dawn (Jame's wife)
front:John, Sarah, and my hubby Doug .
The girls and I couldn't make the trip back to Colorado due to school and money. Note: As of this up date we have 3 more Robertson's in the family. Frank and Jean have 2 little girls and James and Dawn have a little girl and another girl on the way
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- Writing, novels, short stories
- Movies With- Mel Gibson, Tommy Lee Jones, Sam Neill, Gary Sinise, Bill Pullman, Harrison Ford (he needs to grow up and dump Flockheart and go back to his wife who stood by him when he was a nobody).
- The Paranormal- ESP, reincarnation, Ghosts
- Learning about Old World Religions- Druid, Wicca,Native American, Hindu and so on and how they relate for the caring of Mother Earth and man's reason for being. I am a Christian but feel we can also learn from the religions that have been around a lot longer than a little over 2,000 years.
- Life elsewhere in the universe. I feel if one believes a Supreme Being is our reason for being how can we be so conceded to believe he/she (depending on your way of thinking) would make only us on this one little speck of dust in the whole universe.

What You Knew
click on above to hear the point of view.
Thanks to Tommy Lee Jones from Men In Black for this way of thinking about it.
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I am working on 2 novels. One is "DEATH IN DENVER" and the other is: "IN THE MYST OF TIME"
No wonder I'm so tired. I take care of my family, work out side of the home, doing my genealogy and writing two novels.
The reason I do genealogy is I feel you have to know where you have been to know where you are going. Also to open the doors to your future you must find the keys in your past.
My Family Trees
Check out out the many surnames I have here......
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Copyright © 1998 Frances M. Angst-Robertson. All rights reserved
Last revised: December 27, 2003.