Who We Are...

Michael Anthony Calsetta was born August 22, 1975 at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, MD (which makes him 24 now, going on 25 for you non-math majors!). He is the eldest son of Terri A. Calsetta and Michael W. Calsetta. Mike and his two younger sisters (Maria and Catherine) and one younger brother (Christopher) moved around quite a bit, but never ventured too far outside of Silver Spring. He went to St. Andrews Elementary School through 8th grade, and then onto St. John's College High School, a prominent military academy in DC.

Often regarded as someone still in high school for his youthfulness, his talents as a comic book illustrator do little to dispel the stigma. The online version of his original comic book series, Wraithis and Talon, has been picked up by a local comic book store. He's hoping to have his first full-length print issue by next year. He does all the penciling, inking, coloring, and story-telling himself, so each page takes about a month to produce.

Until he makes it big and gets discovered by the likes of Marvel, Top Cow, or Dark Horse, he earns a great living as a Network Security Analyst for The Pentagon. He'd tell you what that entails, but it's classified and then he'd have to kill you!

Mike's other interests include movies, anime, Star Wars collecting, and Asian influences such as Tai Chi. If you have never met him, most people would say that he has an uncanny ability to imitate sounds and voices (he's like a walking, talking cartoon!), suspend your disbelief with stories you think are true up until the very last minute when he reveals the joke, and make people laugh until your sides hurt. He's got a sensitive side, too, that he reserves for those close to him, and he is very spiritual, loyal, honest, selfless (to a fault!) and trustworthy. I've never met a man like him, and that's why I'm keeping him all to myself! :)

Mike lives in College Park, MD with his roommate Omar and their friend ("that guy on the couch") Bill. Their apartment is a state-of-the-art bachelor pad, complete with a 60-inch big screen TV, surround sound, DVD, computer, waterbed, black lights, fog machine, a video collection that rivals Blockbuster, leather couches and matching leather chairs (like Chandler and Joey on Friends). If you ever want to stop by to catch a life-sized football game, just follow the pizza delivery guys that know them on a first-name basis.

Jill Janson was born without a middle name on March 15, 1972 at St. Mary's Hospital in Passaic, NJ (which makes her 28 come March, and yes...3 years older than Mike.) She is the eldest daughter of Joan F. Janson and Richard H. Janson. Jill and her brother, Eric, (though she voted for the name "Jack") lived in the small town of Rutherford, NJ in the same house all of their lives. She went to Union Elementary School for K-8 and then onto Rutherford High School.

After high school, Jill attended Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA for four years. She was very involved in the L.U. Choir, with whom she toured the U.S. Virgin Islands, California, Germany, and Austria. She graduated in 1994 Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Creative Writing and a minor in Psychology.

After a summer traveling throughout Europe with her friend Romeen, she took a chance by moving to Springfield, VA with only a graduate school acceptance letter in hand. In a matter of one long weekend, she found a shared townhouse, got a full-time job on campus at the Associated Writing Programs, and started her full-time graduate studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA in the fall of 1994. In 1996, she received a Master of Arts degree in Professional Writing and Editing. She decided to stick around for awhile in VA when she got her first break in the writing field. (Besides, who can pass up $250 rent for a townhouse, cheaper car insurance, friendlier people who speak relatively without an accent, and cleaner air quality?)

She currently works as a Senior Technical Writer for M.C. Dean, Inc.'s Applied Technologies Group, the engineering division of a mid-sized Government contractor, supporting various federal agencies in the areas of security, communications, and integrated systems. She works on large command center projects (like the secret underground systems you'd commonly see in movies like Independence Day, Armageddon, and other international disaster-type flicks). Working in and around the Beltway's Technology Corridor--the East Coast's answer to Silicon Valley--work is lucrative, interesting, plentiful, and fast-paced. And when you're writing, variety and interesting subject matter are key factors to job satisfaction!

When she's not ruining her eyes at the computer screen, Jill sings with Drastic Measures, an all-female a cappella group in Washington, DC. She is webmistress, publicity coordinator, and lead merchandiser for the group (thanks to Mike's graphics, that is!). She also collaborates with Mike's comic, adding some artistic suggestions, posing for his sketches, and proofreading his dialogue. Jill also runs an in-home writing/editing business she named Power of the Pen. Right now, her customers request various writing, typing, editing, and formatting services (like resumes and business plans), but eventually she would like to use this business as a vehicle for freelancing...like when it comes time to start a family (in the oh-so-far future!!!). What's nice about her career is that it's "portable"--all she needs is a computer, a modem, and an email account!

Jill currently lives in Burke, VA in a townhouse she shares with long-time roommates Tiffany and Jennie, our new roomie Suzanne, our return rooommate Dave, not to mention visiting boyfriends Massud, Gary, Josh, and Mike. It's always a full house...much like MTV's Real World. And to add to the mix, Jill has two White's Tree frogs, Ernie and his adoptive brother Nado (aka "Bert"), and their cuban refugee friend, Elian (a cuban tree frog)...plus some freshwater fish (Boris, Natasha, Rocky and Bullwinkle).