The Spring '03 Semester Sessions of "The WalkThrough" have started. Three ISU sessions are happening.
Two are in UDA (lead by David Haila & Daniel Marquis), the other is at offcampus (lead by Mike G.)!

Please e-mail me if you ever need more info.

Welcome to a hastily constructed website designed to give you directions to and info during "THE WALKTHROUGH"!

The Walkthroughs are:
1) Mondays 8-9:30pm in Helser, UDA (Daniel);
2) Mondays 8-9:30pm Off Campus (Mike G.);
3) Tuesdays 8-9:30pm in Friley, UDA (David).
E-mail me with questions:

Make sure to use the links below to get to info!

Links to "The WalkThrough" info pages:

General Info For HaberHouse WalkThrough Spring03 (includes maps) (Webpage).

Flier for HaberHouse WalkThrough Spring03 (includes a map) (PDF file).

WalkThroughs from previous years.

last updated Saturday, February 22nd at 6:30pm