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LadyMouse's Queendom

Hi I'm Ladymouse and WELCOME TO MY WORLD...
Right now my world consists of my children an grandchildren..my home..my friends.. my work and my pc. I love all children and animals-- not particulary bugs or snakes..But I must say that since two of my granchildren ,Joshua age 7 and Sierra age 4--have moved in with Grandma-- I have learned to help catch the bugs for the bug catchers and thank goodness no snakes have been sighted so far... I enjoy sitting with them watching the clouds roll by and the sun rise and set-- Answering all the questions that arise about nature and Gods wonderous world.. I have to be careful of what I say because they have a tendency to beleive everything I say.. My joy is knowing that I am teaching them about little things there are free for all to enjoy---- and remembering, with much love, the ones that took the time when I was young to show me the same things... On the following pages I will try to show you a little more about my life, my loves and my loses...

Here are two sites where you can feed the hungry for a day,and save the Rainforests. They are just one click away and are free.
Save The Rain Forests
The Hunger Site- One click a day donates
food to feed a hungry person for one day. It costs you nothing except
your time and effort.

Butterflies are free--- We all must try to keep our children's minds free-- free of all torment, worry and fear-- for as long as we can.

Teardrop Project Help stop child abuse


View my old guestbook

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