CHRISTMAS TREE  stays up all year  so you can share it anytime with your friends and bookmark for next year. 

What others are saying . . . 
Reading this Christmas story, and listening to the music was a wonderful blessing. I run a home for troubled teenage girls.   Every year, I tell them every traditional story and why the retelling of the stories around the Christmas tree is so important to keep the message of Christ alive in this dark world. I appreciate you so much. I printed it up and can't wait to read it to them tonight in Bible Study around the Christmas tree. Some of them will  have no trouble relating to this story, as their lives have been full of heartbreak and tragedy. They have come to know Christ as their personal Savior! God bless you and your household!  
What a wonderful site. I too turned away from God. Not anymore. TODAY, I am re-born again !! Thanks God and to you all for making this blind man see...  

Tonight was my first visit your site is so meaningful. Thank you for telling others of the birth of our Lord Jesus and the way to receive Him into their lives and receive the second birth. May God continue to bless you and send many your way. Thank you for such a special way to start celebrating the holiday.  
I loved it!  What a unique way to tell the gospel story.  Jesus has been my Lord and Savior since 8 years old.  I'm now 59 and it's been a wonderful journey.  It's the only way to go.  Thanks.  

What a beautiful story and a wonderful blessing at Christmas time. May your web site bring peace and joy, but more understanding of the beautiful gift we received and continue to celebrate at Christmas.  

Very beautiful and touching. You can almost "fall into" it - it's mezmerizing. 

Thank God for your site that reminds of the  REAL meaning of Christmas. This is  exactly what we need at this time of year,  when everyone is  busy and there is  much commericialism.  My husband and I shared it as part of our  devotions this morning.  We pray that God will use this site to lead many lonely and weary friends to Himself this season. Thank You and we wish you Gods' best for this Christmas season.

I was moved to tears as the story unfolded.  I pray that this story reaches those who yearn for truth and salvation as well as those who yearn for a renewal of faith in their lives.  What a wonderful  way to share God's most perfect blessing... His Son,  Jesus Christ.  Merry Christmas to you and thank you  for such a moving and beautifully arranged story. The choice of music for each page was perfection!  I am going now to share it with my friends! 

It was so wonderful that I cried, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. Praise the Lord!!!  It reminds me of the night that my own daughter accepted Christ.  
What a wonderful, beautiful site!!  I'm so impressed with it that I'm sending it to all my friends.  I'm what you would call a part-time Christian.  I only call on God when I need Him.  But after reading your site, I'm committing myself to God and Christ.  God Bless You for this wonderful site. We need more sites like this on the Net! Praise God for all you do!! 

I have not been in much of a Christmas mood  this year as we have lost many in our family. That story was just what I needed to make the Christmas season worth something to me this  year...  I am a christian and have been for  many years...  some times we feel sorry for ourselves.... All the hype of the Christmas season  is not what it is all about and that seems to ruin the purpose for the season... We need to concentrate  on  "WHY"    we have the season..... Loved your site.... Do one for Easter also..... 

God bless you!!! This was awesome! I will share it with everyone!!!! Glory to God and our Savior Jesus Christ!!! 

This is such a wonderful way to spread the word of God!  I will visit here again.  If this site can't get you into the Christmas spirt nothing can.  Our Lord is a wonderful Lord!  Praise His Name!

It was a beautiful story and shows Gods love and how he works in mysterious ways. it also shows that we walk by faith and not by what we can prove by sight. I hope everyone passes this along to everyone they know, christian and especially non-christians.  
This is a beautiful site.  I will send it to all my friends at Christmas time.  Maybe we will celebrate Christmas in July.  Thank you so much for all the hard work involved with this project and may God bring many souls into His kingdom because of it.  Very enjoyable. Wish more people would share with friends. Received from a chat room friend. Will pass on to other chatters and relatives.  
This is an excellent site! I was truly blessed! and I am so excited to be able to use this as a tool to minister to other people! Thank you so much!  Awesome, beautiful & uplifting! We Hope & Pray you continue to keep this up & running. Glory to God! May He continue to bless the works of your hands & ministry! 
 It  was beautiful, I truly enjoyed it and though the friend who sent it felt it was out of season, I explained this story is never out of season or old. The retelling of it is needed constantly to help remind us that the only thing that matters is Jesus. Thank you and I am passing it on to all my friends online. Ne blessed in Jesus precious name.  It isn't Christmas time now, but I found your site and sat here crying. Like the girl in your story, my faith in God dwindled when my mother passed away. It has been 20 years since her passing and I have not been back to church since. After reading such a beautiful story, I shall once again put my faith in God and let Him lead the way. Thank you so much!!!!! God is Love!!! 
I loved this visit and I am planning on saving it and sending it out to all my family and friends next Christmas season. Thank you so much. And may God bless you. 
This is truly a awesome site and web page. Truly blessed & filled with the Holy Spirit's presence. I am greatly appreciative of this presentation. It was magnificent. I know many people will be blessed by this site as well as Me. Thank you very much for creating it and may Glory be to God for its wonderful works.  May the Lord greatly bless you as you read this wonderful Christmas Story....May He open your eyes and heart to the unconditional and undying love of Jesus Christ Lord and Savior. May you receive Him and treasure Him as the MOST PRECIOUS GIFT you could ever and will ever receive.. 
I enjoyed this very much! What a testimony!! Who cannot believe after hearing the story leading up to Christ's birth? God Bless you. This page was awesome! It's October now and I'm  ready for christmas.. nice selections, and I'm gonna put my speakers in the window and play them come christmas... thanks for making this possible!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! You have know idea what this has done for my heart and soul! God Bless you all!!! Thank you again!  

Loved the music and was warmed to the heart with  the story of our Lord Jesus. What a smashing email to come home to.  Shine on!

This was the best site I have come across since I have been on the net.  Thanks for making it possible to view and share with friends.   