(Last updated January 1st 2009)

This site is about

the Simenstad family

from Oslo, Norway

Sign Our Guestbook

Photo of the month:

December 2007:

After a few weeks of -10 deg. C (15 F) our garden looked like this.

Photo of the month 2006 archive.

Photo of the month 2007 archive.

Simenstad Links found on the net
The Simenstad name: What does it mean, Where does it come from?

This is the Simenstad farm in Folldal, Norway where our name comes from!
Some old pictures from the Simenstad farm

Links to some interesting sites on the Web:

Our local community, Bjørndal
Our hometown: Oslo, Norway
A Web camera in Oslo.
Our homecountry: Norway, "The land of the midnight sun!"
My car page
My work
Our favourite vacation place

Friends on the net:

My brother's Th!nk EV
Toje; Norwegian F3A Champion 1981
Petter; and his Triumph Spitfire
Tiainen Racing Dragracing Team
The Frantzen family. Amercian cars only!
Our friends at Myrtun
Ørjan; the rappellist
Hanne; the Trønder
My son Erik's page.

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