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Dear Diary,

these are my stories and my adventures. some of it might be funny or some of it might be tragic. but life is a never-ending story,and might as well write it down. i will also include pics. from the past and maybe my future. the picture of the warrior down below is what a friend thinks what i look like. so sit back and let me take u on a trip.

the sword is my friends website. he is a knight with honor he is kind of messed up in the head right know because his heart aches due to a girl that broke itand his website reflects it, but he cares for me so much that he woke up at six in the morning to see if i would like to see the sun rise with him. and even though he is in college he will find time to work on this website for me.

as soon as i send him the pictures they will be uploaded to this page. i told him that there will be baby pics and pics of me in the now. so there is something to looking forward to.