Adam's Cool Pictures

Adam's Cool Pictures

Hi My name is Adam Valdez. I'm the coolest in the world and everything i do is cool. So the following page of pictures of me and my friends is cool. I hope you enjoy. I love you all, especially you Sarah.

Adam Valdez

This is me. I'm so cool.

My Bestfriend Theresa

This is my best buddy. She rocks!!! We've been friends since grade 4. She's the coolest. Love ya homie!

My Buddy Sarah (Smara)

This is my other friend Sarah Hemstock. As you can see she's a real hottie. She's a nice girl and is very funny. I love you Smara!


This is Norma. We've been friends since i was 9 and she was 12. She's the coolest. She's fun to hang around with and such a sweetie. To me she's like a big sister. Love ya baby!


This is Amanda. She's the coolest!!! She's a funny girl. I Love you so much! XXX

Pictures on the band Trip

These pictures were taken in Vancouver and Victoria in spring 1999.

My best bud and I


This is a picture of my brother Edwin and my friend Lance. On the right is a group photo of Anna, Jen, Sarah, Shannon,Charlotte and Jill

April, Crystal, Anna, Jill, Leslie, Nick, Shannon, Charlotte, Cindy, Steph Carla andSarah

Other Group Pictures of Friends

This is a picture of the best school year I had. I had lots of fun that year and i liked everyone that was in my class. I also loved my teacher. She was the best

Finally to conclude this part of my page of pictures of friends and me, here is a picture of me in the year 100 B.C.

Jenifer Love Hewitt

Here are some pictures of Jenifer Love Hewitt. I think that she is so hot, sexy, cute, beautiful, ect... I love her so much


Selena was one of my favorite singers. I love her music, both in Spanish and in English. Althought she is gone, her memory will always live in her music and pictures.



Except Catherine O

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Adam is Cool