<BGSOUND SRC="Beverlyhillbillies.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Jack Mann Family
Tennessee to Texas

      1826 to 1999

E-Mail Address

Bridgeport, Texas

Wise County

Hello, and welcome to my web page. My name is Jack Truett Mann and this is my story of how our decendents blazed a trail from Tennessee to Texas some 175 years ago to build a new home for themselves and ultimately me. You will find a little poetry here and there and maybe even a tall tale!
Much of the enclosed pages are from a book by Mrs. R.R. Mann, "The Manns From Tennessee to Texas".  All the rest will be mine. If you have any information that might be helpful in filling in some of the blanks, please feel free to e-mail me. Thank you and I hope you enjoy your visit.

I think that I shall never see
The ending of our family tree
From pioneer roots it's starts to grow
Out to names we don't even know
A few weak branches with the strong
Many with odd names, some with long
It's little twigs our future hold
Stories and glories yet untold
Of our past we can be proud
The heritage that we were endowed
We can be sure our family tree
Will grow and grow through history!

Author unknown

Number of visitors since Nov. 6, 1999
