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Me and my Mom
Click on the pics to make them BIGGER and to get more of 'em!!
Erin-clubbin style
New! Ski Pics added.
Well, I'm a senior at Eastern Michigan University.  I will be done someday!  LOL!  I'm a creative writing/English major.  Someday I want to (RULE THE WORLD) be an English professor.
Some pics of me. (new pics 01-08-04)

What kith are you? Find out here.

Isn't it great that my zodiac symbol happens to look like a 69 situation?  I love astrology, too bad I don't believe in it!
Go thataway
<- Pics of us at our favorite bar! (new pics added 02-02-04)
The Night 89X Stole Xmas!
The fall of KB Toys