The Reunion
There is a lot of work to be done to this page.  We will be adding some pictures and some stories of the reunion. We would like to have everyone participate in this, so send us any pictures you can and if you heard or saw something funny tell us about it.
See over there Lori.....that is a golf course.
Take a picture....Bruce has a book in his hand.
Lori.....can I have your MD 2020?
OK....was I Larry, Moe or Currly?
No,  this is his plate...I just got it for him.
No really.....we have only had one drink. something in Marks eye?
They say I talk to much but I really don't it's just that I have so much information to tell everyone and..............................
More Pictures
Mary....don't eat all the food, I want some. As I was saying, do you think I talk to much, I just have alot of information ............................