Chris Risk's Manifesto Page

It is July 7th 2000.  I am sitting in my Lazy Boy® recliner in my living room.  My kids are watching Dexters Laboratory on Cartoon Network.
I take a sip of my decaf coffee.
My wife is folding towels while watching Dexter with the kids.
How in the world did I get here?  What happened?  When did Pokemon, internet, Nintendo 64, cell phones, two cars, credit cards, braces for my daughter, hoax emails, three times a week on a tread mill, and DVDs creep into my life?

It's a long story.
And not one for the squeemish.

How to navigate this page  If you are new to the internet, this information can prove useful.  If you're an internet geek with no life you'll find this stuff insulting to your intelligence.

Biography  "What ever happened to that guy....oh...*crap*... What was his name?...... RISK!  Yeah!  Chris Risk!  Whatever happened to him?  I heard he was dead.  Yeah.  Pop Rocks and drinking Coke."

Vacations We've Had.  The Grizwold family vacation.

This site is under MAJOR construction.  Check back often.

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