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We are living in Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia. We have 4 people
 in our family. After reading through these page you will probably
know more about us than you really wanted to.


Rommel - The head of the household.  A BS Architecture graduate and currently works for IOI Corporation Berhad as a Project Executive. He is a person who never had enough of things to do. He enjoys tennis, basketball, dart, chat, Counter Strike, photography to name a few.

Michelle - She is mom, wife and the webmaster here. Also a BS Architecture graduate and a part-time AutoCAD operator. When not doing one of her household chores she can be found in front of the computer doing lots of stuff. She likes stamp collecting, crafts, internet surfing and playing with the kids.

RJ - He is the "kuya" in the family. He will turn 6 this year and will be in the First Grade next school year. He loves to read, draw, play PC and Playstation games and loves her sister very much.


Jeanne Michelle - She is 2 years old and the "baby" in the family. She loves to play with kuya RJ and also competes in using the computer.

To keep in touch with us thru postal mail:

Rommel/Michelle Regalado
Lot 15, Blk. 3, MDLD 2448, Tmn. Pertama 1
91100 Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia

Anyway, R J M stand for Rommel, RJ, Jeanne Michelle, and Michelle.


Copyright © 2001 by RJM Regalado. All rights reserved.
Revised: 12 Aug 2001 13:48:29 +0800