"True Love Waits" Page

My True
Love Waits commitment started when I had told my mom that I
wanted a True Love Waits Bible. I had gotten the Bible on the
Christmas of 1996. I made my commitment on December 25, 1996.I am
going on 2 years of temptation, but giving into the temptation is
not a choice. You see, I need patience, and so do you. As a group
from Canada says called High Power and lots of other adults like
Jesus Christ, Dr. James Dobson, my Sunday school teacher, my
pastor, my parents, and lots of other people true love does take
patience. You might be sitting there with your arms folded and
saying to yourself "Well Jesus forgave the adulterous why
can't I do it?" Well I'll tell you why because it's wrong!!!
It's never been right to do outside of marriage.

Purity Links

The Civil War Page
For all you
history buffs, I have been working on some History pages. This is
the start. The focus is on the Civil War.

My other
web page and from my family
Family Home Page
You may
email me

Here are some really
cool web sites:
Brownsville Revival
Adventures in Odyssey
All About Appleton First Assembly of God
Extreme Youth.org Official Web Site
Dawson McAllister Live! Home Page
Christian Home schooled Teens
Ali's Home School Page
Dr. Bruce Whitney's Home Page
Erin's Crammed Pack Pages of Fun

More to
come in the future
if the
Lord doesn't come back

You have
been listening to
for Love by Michael W Smith
midi is
available at

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