Marcia, Philip & Matthew Rooney
     8050 Reclamation Road
    Upper Lake, Calif. 95485
           (707) 275-3317
Well, we purchased a digital camera, so pics will be forthcoming.  We have pics from last years show season, but the scanner took a dump, so will list breedings, etc.  keep checking back for 2004 for updates
last updated 2/15/04
We have learned and had good results in Ai's our does.  Well we are now semen collectors, and are having fun.  The  majority of AI's this year settled we more in ALpines than Nubians.  So. keep checking back as we update the site, with breedings, kiddings and what is for SALE.  Also please leave us a not in our guest book.  Like to here from folks.
Hello, welcome to M.R. Farms Dairy Goats and Boer Goats.  My name is Marcia Rooney and I live with my husband, Philip, and son, Matthew, in Upper Lake, California.  We are just off Hwy 20, between Hwy. 101 and I-5, near the Mendocino National Forests.

We have been raising and showing dairy goats since 1995..  We began with our first purebred Nubian, that we purchased from Lakeshore Farms.  Megan and Kristine Tredway have been wonderful mentors, helping us along the way.  We now currently have Nubians,  as well as Alpines, with our numbers totalling around 30 goats.  We have many thank-yous to several folks who have helped us along the way with quality animals.

We are present for all our births, and raise our kids on heat-
treated colostrum and pasteurized milk.

We will be offering animals for sale this year.  Please feel free
to browse.  If you see something that interests you, or require further information, don't hesitate to contact us..

We have been attending shows this year (2003) and have some new photos to get added to the site as well as show stats.  Our Limo kids as well as Laredo kids are doing well in the Nubian classes.  As well as some of our Alpines.  Please check back for further updates.

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