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...the captain was a duck with a packet on his back, and when the ship began to move the captain said "quack quack"...

- From a childrens poem -

A page for people who think they are ducks

  • The painting below is called Wave. It is by my son Dylan.
  • If you would like to see more click Art
  • If you would like to see my Beatles page click Beatles
  • If you would like to see my page of Christian links click Christianity
  • To go to my russian page(uses 1251 fonts)click Russian
a painting by my son

Welcome to my page. To start I would like to provide a few links to some of my favorite sites.

A description of these links follows, and the actual links are near the bottom of this page.

  • Many summers ago my wife, son, and myself made a trip to Yerkes Observatory and found it to be a neat place so I have provided a link to their website where you can obtain more info.
  • C.S.Lewis is one of my two favorite writers
  • Phil Keaggy is my favorite guitar player
  • Leo Tolstoy is the other one of my two favorite writers
  • Freeware Home is my favorite freeware connection
  • Percy Grainger is my favorite composer
  • Carolyn Arends is one of my favorite songwriters
  • The wastewater plant where I work as an operator
  • The wastewater operators association I belong to
  • Radio Jove radio astronomy for schools
  • Old men playing rock and roll in duluth mn(our cd is out)
  • Nielsen handmade archtop Jazz guitars
  • My sons website (you can order his art work there)
Or you can listen to one of my compositions,arrangements,or transcriptions. I have also included a song by one of my former guitar students.

You can also download freeware that I have written.
  • contains three small programs for astronomy. softpedia award A program that converts equatorial coordinates to horizon coordinates. A program that calculates the approximate position of the naked eye planets. A program that calculates the percent illumination and age of the moon.
  • contains a music transposition program. It was written for guitarists and contains a set of advanced chord charts. The transposing section is useful to all musicians.
  • contains a program 'activated sludge 101', a set of tools for wastewater treatment plant operators. Tools include a wasting calculator,settlometer graphing, and more. screenshots
  • is a dos text based planet locator program for astronomy. It is more accurate than than the approximate version for naked eye observing in and is better suited to using with a telescope.
  • is a set of scale and chord charts for the beginning guitarist. If you are just starting out and don't know which book to buy, this material is free and will give you enough to practice on for awhile.
  • contains a program called tinyedit. It is a little editor for editing programs, ini files etc. No fancy functions. Allows access to the command line(you'll need to put a copy of in your root directory). Prints in arial
  • contains an astronomy program that converts equatorial coordinates to horizon coordinates.It is a win95/nt stand alone program. It has only an .exe and a .hlp file and was written using c++ builder3.
  • contains two midi player programs that look and work similar to jukeboxes.Put one in a folder with the midi's you want to play(the folder must be next level to c:\ such as c:\juke\midi21.exe)- For windows95 and up. written using delphi.
  • contains a scribble pad program that is more than scribble but less than a drawing program.Use the right mouse button to draw- For windows95 and up. also written using delphi.
  • contains the New Testament in the Russian Language.Just unzip the folder to c:\ then open the folder and install the included font and click on rnt1.exe to run the program .win95
  • contains the New Testament in the English Language.Just unzip the folder to c:\ then open the folder and click on mynt.exe .win95
  • contains a program that provides moon phase and age for input date and time as well as a 30 day graphic display of the data.includes an install program.
  • contains a program for guitar players who want to know which notes are in any given major or minor barre chord.
    Published on Torry's Delphi Pages
  • contains a toggle (off/on) color button component for use in the delphi programming environment. it is derived from TPanel.comes with source and demo program. compiles with delphi1,4 & 6. not tested on other versions.
  • contains an interactive circle of fifths for those who want to learn the relationship between key signatures, major and minor scales and the circle of 5th's. To run the windows 3.1 version download, unzip the files to a directory and run ic5161.exe. To run on windows 95 and up download,unzip and run setup.exe. ic516 ic5
  • contains a phonebook database that is attached to a phone dialer so one can select a number from the database and dial it in a few clicks.It includes the borland database engine which is necessary to run the 95 and up. pdial
  • contains a small and very easy to use program for keeping a list of names and numbers. If you could use a personal phone book this does the job.Just unzip it and run the plist.exe file which will set the program up in c:\delphi. The program must be left in this folder to 95 and up. plist1
  • contains a simple periodic table of the elements.Just unzip it and double click the .exe file to run the program. No setup necessary. Windows 95 and up. ptable1
  • contains an ebook of two short stories that I wrote.Just unzip it and double click the .exe file to run the program. No setup necessary. Windows 95 and up.rated PG. twostories
  • contains a beta program of a planisphere(starwheel).It runs only at screen resolutions 1024X768 and 800x600 for now.It has been tested on win95, 98, and xp.Just unzip it and run it.planisphere1b
  • contains a simple cd player.It has been tested at 1024X768 on windows xp.It may not work if you have more than one cd drive in your computer(cd and dvd is ok) cdp
  • Unless otherwise stated You must unzip the downloaded file before using. Then just double click the .exe file to run . Please note that I include the vbrun300 runtime in each program that requires it but only one copy of it in windows system is necessary to run the programs. So if you download more than one of these programs you can delete the extra runtimes. Send bug reports or questions to my e-mail address.

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Links to other sites on the Web

Carolyn Arends
Into the wardrobe C.S.Lewis
The music of Phil Keaggy
An Observatory tour
Some of Tolstoys storys
Useful freeware source
the wastewater treatment plant
the wastewater treatment operators association
Percy Grainger website
Radio Jove website
The bugs webpage
Nielsen Guitars
Art by Dylan

If you like these sites or if you want to talk about guitar (I am a private guitar instructor) e-mail me. This site was last updated 3-17-2007.

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