If you Live in Penobscot, or have a Business in Penobscot, please let me know if you wish to have it listed on this page for free , by contacting   glenashe@yahoo.com
Welcome to the Penobscot Community Webpages
Castine Steam Boat co.
Parker Ridge Estates
Penobscot Community Webs
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These are a few  local links, addresses,  and E-mail addresses of business in our local community.  Please help our community stay strong by buying and selling locally.  You'll be suprised by the people you meet and the home town service you receive....
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             A Community Business cross-link for Penobscot, Maine
HorsePower Farm ......Rt.15  No. Penobscot...........374-5038
                         Organic Produce/eggs      sleighrides
Northern Bay Market, So. Penobscot ................326-8606
Jodi Snow Sheehan,....... Shear Elligance .................469-3707
Corner of 1st & Main St.   Bucksport           Family Hair Care
Sally Judkins...Newbeginning's Daycare / Preschool....374-2211
                       P.O. Box 1557,  Blue Hill, Me.  04614
                      E-Mail :  lambie@hypernet.com             
Brooksville Elem School
Penobscot Comm.Elem. School
Maine Business Resources  and Information Links
Can't find what your lookin for ??    Search for it by using
The Fishermans Voice Magazine
University of Maine     Lobster institute
Maine Wild Blueberries
Univ.Me. Co-operative Ext.  Index page
Lloyd C Turner, CLP ******* Certified Logging Professional
Serving Hancock County with Woodlot Management Practices
Check out these other local links
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