Welcome to my page


About Me
Hello, I am a wife, mother, and grandmother. I have a very loving husband of 41 years. I have one sister and two brothers, 3 wonderful children, 6 beautiful grandchildren, and I also have one very loveable brother in-law. I am an animal lover. I had a very loving cat who was bottlefed from birth named Loverboy who unfortunately passed away some time ago :-(. I miss him and I will remember him always. I have two adorable male cats now who rule the house their names are Rusty and Jr. I love them dearly they are my pride and joy they go everywhere I go when i'm home.

My Hobbies & Interests
My hobbies and interests include Genealogy, Travel, Collecting Beanie Babies, Rocks, Gems, Shells, and Coins. I also like to Bowl, Swim, Work, & Play on my computer.

Pictures Of My Family

My Granddaughters: Sammantha & Shyanne


My Grandson: Eric


My Husband & Grandkids: (Front) Sammantha, Husband, Shyanne, (Back) Shawn, Dustin & Eric

Husband & Grandkids

My Kitty: Loverboy


My Granddaughter: Shyanne


My Grandson: Marcus


My Grandson: Austin


Favoite Webpages I Visit a lot!
My Husband's Webpage
My Daughter's Geocities Webpage
My Son-In-Law's Webpage
The Offical Roy Rogers & Dale Evans Webpage
Ty-The Offical Beanie Baby Webpage
Beanie Mom's Webpage
The Basket Collector's Emporium

Yahoo Links
Yahoo Chat!
Yahoo Games!
Yahoo Auctions!
Yahoo Finance!
Yahoo Travel!

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This page was last updated on April 10, 2006