Bangladesh Association of Greater Kansas City

Welcome to Bangladesh Association of Greater Kansas City

Welcome to the Bangladesh Association of Greater Kansas City (BAGKC) website. This site is maintained to provide information about the Bangladeshi/Bangali community living in the greater Kansas City Area. Let us create a link between us and the mainstream American culture.

Basic Facts About Bangladesh

Full country name: People's Republic of Bangladesh
Area: 143,998 sq km (55,598 sq mi)
Population: 147 million (2006 est.)
Capital city: Dhaka (pop: 12 million)
People: 98% Bengali, 250,000 Bihari, tribals less than 1 million
Language: Bangla, English
Religion: 86.6% Islam, 12.1% Hindu, 1.3% other
Government: Republic
President: Zillur Rahman
Prime Minister: Seikh Hasina

Independence Day and Bengali New Year - Celebration (Click Here for Details)

BAGKC Picnic (Click Here for Details)

Please Renew Your BAGKC Annual Membership. Contact Saiful Islam at