Hi guys, this is Ramroum and am welcoming you to my Page! Please relax, take off your shoes, your glasses, and your watch! Remember chances come once, and lucky you!!! You are about to meet one of the most lovely people on earth... Booooooooo!!! You are about to meet Ramroum :) |
Ramroum was born in Baalbeck-Lebanon, January the 1st 1978, studied in "Ecole des saints coeurs" in Ballbeck and "Ecole des saints Famille" in Rayak, acheived the highest mark in Lebanon on the official Exams of Bak 1, moved to Toronto-Canada 1992, majored in Computer Programming and System analysis -1997, obtained her Diploma with Honours! Back to Lebanon 1998, she's about to start her Master degree (MBA) soon :) |