<BGSOUND SRC="/jeetywild/unchainedmelody.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Joanne's Play Page Brendan Fraser is linked to page 5 You need Java to see this applet.
I am a Mel Gibson fan also. Click on Mel to be whisked away to a Mel fan site.
See more photos ..click to go to page 2
Click the heart for Another Brendan Page
Click on the Whisky glass to email me...
David and I  married in 1991.He is a carpenter by trade, and a  Starwars fan.
Here he is with beard (left) and without, on Christmas Day 2002 (right).

I enjoy reading, particularly Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. Click the stones for a link to Ladies of Lallybroch.
Click on Zachary's Christmas photo below for a look at his special page.
Rhianna Shilo is seven. She's a week old in this photo. Her name is  a combination of Brianna (from Diana Gabaldon series) and Rhiannon. Shilo came from Neil Diamond's song about his imaginary childhood friend.
The kids had a great time Christmas Eve with some glow sticks at a church sausage sizzle.
For Rhianna's page, click on her photo.
Click the dragonfly to see Suzanne's Hunk page...
Zachary David was born 11th July 1998.
Couldn't resisit a bit more Brendan...
To leave voicemail, or to see Castle Mountain postcard of the Day click this box...You'll be whisked off to page 8!