This site is dedicated to all the Owens and Owen families who would like to have a centrally located location for all the Owens and Owen researchers to gather and browse through Gedpages with their favorite family information. The following linked pages will allow you to search the various submitters research files to help you possibly find a link to one of your ancestors. It also allows you to download the submitted GEDCOM files into your computer for browsing at a later time. You may submit your GEDCOM file to be added to the growing database by following the instructions on the submission page. I hope this site is a help in finding a lost family link to your past. The information is not in any way a product of my research, only the submitters. I have only transferred their information into a database style so that other researchers can access the names and notes. You may contact the submitter for any further documentation, questions or corrections. Thank you for visiting the site, I hope it has helped.