Hi I'm Sebrina (Pat).

Welcome to my homepage :-) .
Thanks for stopping in:-) Pull up a chair! Grab a cup of coffee (or a cold soda) and browse through my pages Ö¿Ö

The description of my page is:

LOVE: A variety of loves that I feel in different way. For my friends, family,my children and that special someone.

FRIENDSHIP: tells of the many friends I have made online, as well as my friend close to home.

CARING: Shows the different ways that I care for people in general.

A Special "Thank You" to my dear friend Cecile! Without all your patients and time I never would have made it this far. Your friendship is something that I will cherrish a lifetime. From my heart I thank you for all your help :-) I am blessed to have a friend like you!


Below you will find links to all of the pages I created, hope you enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed creating them.

Over the past few years I have met many people online. Most of them have become friends of mine. Some of these friends I have been blessed to meet in person. A few of these are: Lilypad, Mozam352, Mike & Val, Linda, TLSelf, and Have talked with many on the phone. Some of those are: Art, Spiritwolf94, Cinders and bwgobucks. To all my friends, I wish you, health, happiness and love.

  Momma's Lullabye Weddings By Pat Our Precious Children 
 Above All Love Happy New Year  Please My Children 
A Hearts Touch Small As I am  A Lost Friend
A Place Called Home  Songs of the Angels Did You Ever Get To Know Me?
Just Say No  We Shall Behold Him  Amazing Grace 
Merry Christmas  A Friend I Believe In You 
Happy Thanksgiving   A Sister Somewhere Out There 
How Do I Love Thee Special Blessing Arms of The Angels
If I Knew In Loving Memory Friends Like You

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