Beloit New Life Church

Beloit New Life Church's worship facility
1146 Grant St.
Beloit, Wisconsin 53511

(608)365-BNLC (2652)

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since 06-21-00

Welcome to the Beloit New Life Church Web Site, Our Services are on Sundays from 10:00am CT to 11:00am CT, and on Wednesdays from 6:30 pm CT to 7:30pm CT

Welcome to the Beloit New Life Church's homepage. Beloit New Life Church is Pastored by Pastor Jason Turner. Pastor Jason invites you to join him, his wife Marcee and the rest of congregation to worship with them this Sunday at 10am at their new factility at 1146 Grant Street in Beloit Wisconsin. We also invite you to join us on Wednesday nights from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm for our mid-week Bible study.

History of the church: Beloit New Life Church was started in the fall of 1993 by Pastor Jason Turner and his wife Marcee. Jason's friend Lonnie Craig was also very helpful in starting the church. The church originally met at McNeel Middle School and met there until July of 1999. In February of '99 the church purchased a building at 1146 Grant St. The building was originally built as a medical clinic and is quite large. We currently rent part of the building; it's too big for us to use all of it right now. As of this writing (November, 1999) we are meeting in the basement of the Grant St. building. We hope to be meeting upstairs within the next year.

Some of our major beliefs include:
--That there is one God, the Father.
--That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin.
--That Jesus died and rose again.
--That Jesus will return to rule on the earth.
--That the only way to eternal life is through faith in Jesus Christ.

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