Dave's Duck Pond
The pages:
The Scaulps 01/2000 |
About Dave:
Dave started carving ducks in August of 1999. Almost 2 years and over 20 ducks later, he is still enjoying perfecting his craft. Dave carves ducks for fun and relaxation. He does not sell his ducks and has only given a select few away. His wife (that’s me) likes them too much and selfishly won’t let him give them away. Even though one of his sisters (he has four) keeps trying to trick one away from under the ever watchful eye of the wife. Before there were ducks, Dave made Construction equipment and other models from wood as well as furniture. His work also includes 2 baby cribs. About the Web Pages: Each duck that we managed to get digital images of has it’s own page. The pages are a series of "thumbnail" pictures of different angles of each duck. Click on each image to see the enlarged version of that image. These pages are for friends and family too far away to see the ducks in person (and for the one who would take one if she could get her hands on them!--hehehehe). We hope you enjoy seeing Dave’s creations. . . About the "Webmaster": That would be me. Dave’s wife. The pages are really basic. Some of the images may be too big. Hopefully the pages don't take too long to load. I don’t have much time to do this, but I love him and want to share his ducks with you.
Page last updated: August 20, 2001